Welcome to jdrgaming.com Saturday, March 08 2025 @ 06:33 PM PST

Thank you for your messages of support

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to post or send messages of support during the recent shakeup. Those messages have warmed my heart and helped me to get past the feeling of being alone in this fight.

Sadly, I have also received several extremely negative communications about this. I just hope that the people who sent them will not bother coming back to TPU and other JDRGaming sites and servers.

Of course, I will happily welcome back any of those people who realize just how wrong they've been, and change their attitudes to embrace love, empathy, and understanding.

Zero tolerance for anything supporting or defending Trump, Musk, nazis, fascism, white supremacy, or any other form of bigotry

Note: the following content is based on a brilliant post on rpg.net published not long after Trump's election in 2016. I hereby credit the authors of that post for both the inspiration of this post and much of its wording. Thank you.

New rule: Do not post, act, speak, or otherwise communicate in support of Musk, Trump or their administration. Doing so on the JDRGaming web site, in JDRGaming Discord, in JDRGaming Gametracker server chat, in chat on any JDRGaming game server, or in the form of player names, will result in an immediate and permanent ban and possible network blocking.

This policy announcement is the result of careful consideration. The decision is final. It will not be the subject of further debate. I have considered the possible downsides and ultimately decided I have to stay true to my values. I will not pretend that evil isn't evil, or that it becomes a legitimate difference of political opinion if you put a suit and tie on it.

I am banning support of Donald Trump and his administration on JDRGaming sites, servers, and services. This is because his public comments, policies, and the makeup of his administration are so wholly incompatible with my values that formal political neutrality is not tenable.

We can be welcoming to (for example) persons of every ethnicity who want to talk about games, or we can allow support for open white supremacy. Not both.

Support for elected hate groups is not welcome here. We can't save the world, but we can protect and care for the small patch that is JDRGaming.

You might object to this new policy. You might be thinking along these lines: "The problem I find with a lot of people who call themselves 'progressives' online is that they seem to think the only strategy worth doing is to 'ostracise people whose values are antithetical to their own' rather than discuss it with them or accept that some people just have different viewpoints. Sure, in some cases there's not much hope for changing anyone's minds, but to default at 'ostracise, humiliate, shun and berate' is not a good approach IMO."

To which my response is: "No. You know what? Fuck that noise. Ethnic cleansing is not a 'different viewpoint.' Racism is not a 'different viewpoint.' White nationalism is not a 'different viewpoint.' Dogwhistling that attacks against your political enemies will continue if the media doesn't stop saying things you don't like is not a 'different viewpoint.' Putting children in cages is not a 'different viewpoint.' A nazi salute is not a legitimate political expression. Misogyny is not a viewpoint, it's hatred. All bigotry is irrational and evil.

This is not an argument over tax rates or the proper role of government in education. This is an argument about who will be allowed to exist in America and beyond. If you don't like it, get the fuck off JDRGaming. And don't come back until you learn the meanings of words like compassion, empathy, fairness, and equality.

Policy Outline

(In effect starting February 14, 2025; not retroactive.)

JDRGaming sites, servers, and related services remain no-fly zones for political and religious discussion, with one exception: the #general channel on JDRGaming Discord.

  1. We are banning expressions of support for the administration of President Trump. You can still post on JDRGaming sites and services even if you do in fact support the administration — you just can't bring your evil here.
  2. Zero tolerance for anything supporting or defending Trump, Musk, nazis, fascism, white supremacy, or any other form of bigotry.
  3. The penalty for ignoring this policy will depend on several factors, but may include loss of admin status, game server bans, deletion of user accounts, IP address blocking, or subnet/CIDR/provider blocking. We will not report your statements or actions to your Internet provider or to your employer unless the offense is particularly egregious.
  4. We are not explicitly endorsing or banning any American political party.
  5. We are not banning conservative politics, or anything on the spectrum of reasonable political viewpoints. We assert that fascism, hate groups and intolerance are categorically different from other types of political positions, and that confusing the two legitimizes bigotry and hatred.
  6. We are not going to have a purge; we will not be banning people for past actions and speech. Although if your player name is 'MAGA', 'President Donald Trump', 'Commander Trump', or 'Kyle is still KING!!!', this might be a good time to change it.
  7. We will not permit witch-hunts, progressive loyalty-testing, or attempting to bait another into admitting support for Trump or Musk in order to get them banned. I recently did this myself in JDRGaming Discord, with unfortunate results. Lesson learned.
  8. It is not open season on conservatives, and revenge fantasies against Trump and Trump supporters are still against the rules.

All public game servers are down

It has come to my attention that the TPU server has a nazi bar problem.

All public JDRGaming game servers are down while I decide what to do about it. The private Minecraft and Valheim servers remain up, as they are invite-only.

It's possible that TPU will return as an invite-only, password-protected server. But that will only happen if I can find a reliable way to identify nazis and keep them out. So it's not likely.

Thank you all (except the nazis) for being fans of TPU.

JDRGaming Forgotten Hope 2 server is back

It recently occurred to me that I could repurpose an old Windows PC as a Windows game server and run the Forgotten Hope 2 server on it. Testing confirmed that the current FH2 server runs fine in coop mode on Windows.

So the JDRGaming BF2 server is once again running FH2, albeit on a different physical computer.

It's still possible that whatever prevents the FH2 Linux server from running in coop mode will be fixed, in which case I'll move the JDRGaming FH2 server back to the main Linux server. That doesn't make any difference to players, of course.

As usual with FH2 releases, some of the maps have problems when running in coop mode. Please let me know if you encounter any problems running a particular map.

The latest version of FH2 has loads of improvements, most noticeably in the user interface.

If you've never tried FH2, I encourage you to check it out. It's more resource-hungry than BF1942, but if you can run it, you'll be amazed at the visual and audio improvements over BF1942. I particularly enjoy the much more realistic and diverse sounds of vehicles and weapons.

Here's a link to the official FH2 download page.

Battlefield commentary by DJ ErrorProned

DJ ErrorProned, who uses the player name 'ErrorProned', produces audio commentary for battles and events on TPU.

I've posted a few examples of his work on a new page on this web site, which you can access from the sidebar panel under 'TPU Stuff'.

DJ ErrorProned is busily refining his methods, and plans to produce more commentary. We are considering using his commentary if and when we have more special events on TPU, and we're also exploring options for adding his commentary to gameplay video.

Check out his stuff! You might even hear your player name mentioned, especially if you did something amusing on the battlefield.

A useful BF1942 client mod: bf42plus

For the last couple of weeks, I've been evaluating a Battlefield 1942 client tool called bf1942plus.

bf42plus inserts itself into the BF1942 process during startup, and its features can be controlled with a config file or using client console commands.

Here are a few of the features of bf42plus:

  • Assign more and different colours to player names.
  • Fix crash when the game is minimized.
  • Fix other windows getting resized when the game is launched.
  • Center kill message now shows who teamkilled you.
  • Fix a loading screen crash caused by a bug in the game's memory allocator.
  • Speed up reconnecting to servers on map change.
  • Changing mod when joining a server from the serverlist is faster.
  • Nametags are lowered when u get close to other players so you can see them more easily.
  • Yellow server messages are immediatedly copied to the console so one isn't lost if it is overwritten by another.
  • Message when someone connects to the server.
  • Show player IDs in chat and/or in kill messages.
  • Show player IDs in nametags.
  • Show in the console who started a vote or voted.

There's now a link to bf42plus on the Files page on this site.

NOTE: this mod has some features that are considered cheats on some servers. I currently don't see any reason to ban its use on TPU.

Take a look! I'm finding the player name colour function to be particularly useful.

Eric Haines' Battlefield 1942 Information

I just discovered a wealth of useful resources on the Battlefield 1942 Information web pages maintained by Eric Haines.

These pages in particular are extremely informative, and if you play BF1942, you should take a look:

There's now a link to Eric's BF1942 pages on the How To page on this site. There's also a link to a local copy of Eric's pages on the JDRGaming server, because Battlefield 1942 is an 'old' game, and web sites about BF1942 tend to disappear.

Gametracker problems

Some of you have already noticed that the Gametracker widgets at the top of this web site are showing all the servers as 'UNNAMED', although the server IPs and ports are still showing correctly. But player stats are also not being shown.

Here's an excerpt from a recent post on the Gametracker forum: "Please understand; this is a Gametracker global issue. Management has been notified. The technicians do not require individual server IPs or names to resolve the issue. I will update the thread when there is further information available. Yes, this is why some/many/all servers are showing as '--unnamed--' or similar."

Hopefully the service will be fully functional again within a few days.

Bethesda finally gives up; admits its developers don't know how to load data efficiently

I think most gamers have come to accept that they will sometimes need to upgrade their PC hardware to run the latest games. We understand that since the quality and quantity of visual and audio resources required by top tier games continues to increase, so will the requirements for graphics processors (GPU), CPU, and memory.

Of course, we can often delay the inevitable, by running games at less than their maximum settings. But those of us lucky enough to be able to afford regular hardware upgrades will often happily pay for a new GPU if it means we can run the latest new games.

But now, according to The Verge, at least two major game developers are saying that we will also be required to run their upcoming titles on solid state drives (SSDs).

Bethesda’s first new IP in 25 years, Starfield, will require 125GB of SSD storage when it debuts on September 6th. It’s not a recommendation — it’s a minimum spec to play Starfield on a PC.
CD Projekt Red also revealed that it’s bumping the minimum specs of Cyberpunk 2077 to require an SSD at minimum and phasing out HDD support.

Have you ever noticed that some high end games load faster than others? And that games from certain companies seem to consistently suffer from slow load times? What that tells me is that the developers working on those games haven't figured out how to load game resources efficiently.

So the way I interpret these announcements from Bethesda and CD Projekt Red is that they're giving up on ever figuring out how to load and manage large amounts of resource data efficiently. Instead, they're adding to the already significant pressure on gamers to buy new hardware.

I don't imagine we'll see much pushback from gamers on this. These days, gamers with high end gaming rigs are already using SSDs. Most new pre-built PCs now come with SSDs.

But wouldn't it make sense to allow these games to be installed on and run from HDDs, and then show an alert to the user, to the effect that load times would be greatly improved by running from an SSD? Why force the issue, potentially angering and alienating potential customers?

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