Welcome to jdrgaming.com Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 07:33 AM PDT

New: PayPal donation button

2022Aug28 - I've disabled the Paypal donation button due to scammers abusing it to check stolen card numbers. This abuse will be reported to Paypal and -- after I've completed my own investigation -- possibly to relevant law enforcement. Of course the chickenshit scammer assholes doing this are using VPNs, so tracking them down won't be easy. But I have lots of free time.

I know, I know. I said I wasn't going to do this any time soon. Well, I changed my mind. JDRGaming now accepts donations via PayPal. PayPal takes a percentage of any donation, but it's worth it for the convenience. You can donate using your credit card, your PayPal account, or (in many cases) your bank account. All donations are used to offset hosting, ISP, and hardware costs, and are tracked on the TPU costs page.