Welcome to jdrgaming.com Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 12:27 AM PDT

Polls in System

Topic Voters Poll Created bararrowup Open for Voting
Theatre-appropriate units 33 03/20 01:17PM Yes
TPU stats 39 11/20 04:13AM Yes
TPU map length 37 10/25 12:28PM Yes
The new server 10 03/18 02:07AM No
TPU dogfighting day 0 03/28 05:38AM No
DC Extended vs. DCFinal 23 12/11 08:12PM No
Tuesdays on TPU 1 10/06 09:08AM No
Axis/Allied rotation 0 07/07 06:12PM No
Battlegroup 1942 0 03/06 05:36AM No
Desert Combat Final (DCFinal) 0 01/05 08:40AM No
Submarines 0 10/11 11:13AM No
More map mods 4 07/13 07:58AM No
TPU stats 1 06/15 09:11PM No
Latest map mods 7 06/09 07:43AM No
Battlegroup 1942 Sundays 17 05/10 11:37AM No
The new Midway map 2 03/01 07:45AM No
Next game server 12 02/21 05:57AM No
New TPU stats system 9 05/10 05:29AM No
Tell us your opinion about Geeklog 0 02/10 09:12AM No