WaterAlphaDepth Property

   Water.WaterAlphaDepth number

Argument values:

argument 1:    range is 0 to 3; most commonly 0

Description: This property sets the distance from land the alpha will be applied from the water's edge. An alpha depth of 0 will make the water opaque up to the shore. An alpha depth of 1 will make the water transparent (amount dependent on the WaterShallowAlpha setting) for 1 meter from the edge of the landfall.

Related properties: WaterShallowAlpha

This property is not a part of any defined type of object.

Used in a total of 30 .con files: Init.con, Terrain.con

Parent directory of these .con files: Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from Bf1942/Levels/Peenemunde/Init.con)
   rem *** Set team 2 ***
   Game.SetBeforeSpawnCameraPosition 2 1140/130/300
   Water.SpecularEnable 1
   Water.TexLayer1 texture/water02
   Water.TexLayer2 texture/water02
   Water.NormalMap texture/normalMap01
   Water.ScrollDirectionNormalmap 0/-1
   Water.ScrollDirection1 -1/1
   Water.ScrollDirection2 -1/-1
   Water.SpecularColor 0.3/.3/.29
   Water.ScrollLayer1 0.02
   Water.ScrollLayer2 0.02
   Water.ScrollNormalmap 0.02
   Water.SpecularStreakFactor 0.001
   Water.TileLayer1 0.5
   Water.TileLayer2 0.3
   Water.TileNormalmap .5
   Water.LightDirection -.347606/.0851363/-.933767
   Water.Color 0.40/0.45/0.47
   Water.WaterColorDepth 5
   Water.WaterAlphaDepth .5
   Water.WaterShallowAlpha 1.8
   Water.Envmapcolor 0.70/0.80/0.70
   Water.DeepColor 0.3/.35/.3

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