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TPU may be shutting down

UPDATE 2011Apr26: Shaw plans to go ahead with UBB and expects to announce pricing changes in May/June 2011.

UPDATE 2011Feb10: Shaw has responded to the anti-UBB outcry by posting a new page on their web site. They don't say anything definite about their plans, but clearly they are looking at UBB and I can only assume that if they think they can get away with it, they will lower their caps or take some similar action that will result in higher bandwidth costs for TPU. On a positive note, they are planning to host public meetings on the subject. Stay tuned.

UPDATE 2011Feb04: I've posted a new page outlining the costs of running TPU: click the 'TPU costs' link in the TPU Stuff section of the left sidebar.

UPDATE 2011Feb03: the federal government has said it will reverse the CRTC ruling if the CRTC doesn't reverse it themselves. So far this is just talk, so the fight is not yet over. (Also note that I've cleaned up some inaccuracies in my original post below.)

The TPU game server is located in Canada. It uses Shaw cable for its connection to the Internet. A ruling by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), scheduled to take effect across Canada on March 1, 2011, will initiate Usage Based Billing (UBB), whereby providers will be required to bill customers by the gigabyte when certain traffic limits are reached.

If nothing is done to stop this from happening, Shaw may choose to adjust their billing accordingly, which could raise broadband costs to the point where I have to shut down TPU. I'm currently analyzing the bandwidth used by TPU and will compare it with the limits that we're likely to see. If the result means I will have to pay more for hosting TPU, I will almost certainly shut it down. I run TPU as a hobby - I don't make any money from it, so there's a limit to how much I'm willing to spend on it.

The good news is that we are fighting this idiotic cash grab. You can read all about it and find ways to help at these web sites:
* http://www.stopthemeter.ca/
* http://stopusagebasedbilling.wordpress.com/

Some interesting perspectives on this issue:
* http://i.imgur.com/LJCKv.png
* http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/5620/125/
* http://opinion.financialpost.com/2011...eal-myths/

Thank you for your support.

Help with DarkRyda's map pack

Judging from comments I've seen in the TPU chat log, some people are having trouble playing the maps in the DR map pack. I've put together some basic instructions for running the maps (click 'read more' below). If you are still having trouble, let me know: you can either post a comment in response to this blog post, or participate in the new forum I set up in the Discussion area just for the DR map pack. You'll need to register separately in the discussion area before you can post anything there.

A wish list for TPU

I don't like problems that I can't fix. I've bashed my head against everything on this list and come up empty. If anyone out there can help, please do. I'll be eternally grateful.

[1] Eliminate Battle of Britain annoyances: first, get rid of that damned siren at the British bases. Second, stop bots from getting into jeeps at the British bases and just sitting there. This must be done so that no client map download is required, like all the other mods on TPU. I was able to remove the siren but the modded map had to be on client computers to work.

[2] BFSM source code: I use the excellent BattleField Server Manager (BFSM) by Kevin Lockitt to manage the TPU server. Kevin stopped development of BFSM years ago and his web site is long gone. There are a few bugs I'd like to fix, and a few changes I'd like to make, but I can't do that without the source code. I've tried to contact Kevin a few times but he has not responded. If anyone out there knows how to reach him, let me know.

[3] Changes to BFSM. An option to force human players to one side would be nice, although that may be difficult without modifying the BF1942 server itself. A fix for the January 1 scheduler bug would be great. I'd like to see more robust Gamespy protocol handling.

[4] A fix for the 'even teams' problem. Occasionally, a TPU map starts with an Allied:Axis ratio of 1:1. TPU should always run with an uneven ratio, typically 2:1 or 1:2. This one is a mystery.

[5] A way to prevent the map from restarting when the second player joins. I think this one is buried deep in the BF1942 server code, so we're probably stuck with it.

[6] Figure out what's going on with the apparent Gamespy DDoS attacks and deal with them permanently. Every few days (or sometimes weeks), TPU starts seeing floods of Gamespy server queries from one or two IP addresses. Alarm bells go off here and I block the offending addresses. The IP addresses are usually different each time, although there have been some repeat offenders. Some of them are game servers, some are gaming web sites and others are just ordinary users. It doesn't appear to be a coordinated attack against TPU. My hunch is that it's just misconfigured software. On the other hand, the Gamespy protocol is often used as a tool in DDoS attacks, so perhaps TPU is just seeing collateral damage.

[7] An alternative to the increasingly-flaky Game-Monitor.com.

That's it for now.

DarkRyda's BF1942 Map Pack

DarkRyda's map pack is now available for download from this web site. Go to the Downloads section or click the link below to download it.


The map pack contains six maps in total: five for the original game and one for the Secret Weapons Expansion Pack. Four of the maps support co-op and single player modes.

Where you can play these maps

DarkRyda and TenaciousMojo occasionally run servers for these maps. We are considering setting aside time on the TPU server to play some or all of them. They are unlikely to be added to the regular rotation, since they must be downloaded to client machines before they can be played and that is not quite in keeping with the goals of the server (maps are modded but the changed maps don't require downloading to play). DarkRyda and TenciousMojo will offer to serve them occasionally from within a TPU session or in response to requests. We may also set up an announcement system on http://jdrgaming.com for upcoming server sessions hosted elsewhere by DarkRyda or others.

Keep reading for more info about the map pack and a message from DarkRyda.

User registration now uses CAPTCHA

Due to the overwhelming number of spam-related user registrations on jdrgaming.com, I have (reluctantly) added CAPTCHA to the process. When someone tries to register on the site, they will now be required to do the CAPTCHA dance. Sorry.

Rules and FAQ updated, Game-Monitor issues

I've updated the TPU server rules and FAQ as they were getting a bit stale. You can get to them from the TPU Stuff links at the top left of the site.

Game-Monitor.com has been having more problems with server rankings, but they seem to be okay again as of right now. I'm looking at alternatives, since the admins have stopped responding to support requests. If anyone out there knows of a good alternative, please let me know.

Fewer B17s at Wake

The Wake map seems to be crashing a lot lately. As a test, I have reduced the maximum number of B17s from four to two. Let me know whether that helps.

TPU stats reset

It's a new year, so I figured it was a good time to reset the stats. As of 8:30am PST, the stats have been reset. Any games played since the last stats update at 4am PST today will be applied to the new stats data.

Don't panic, all your old stats are still available: just click the [archive] link to the right of the main Statistics link at the top of the left sidebar.

Now let's see what all the newcomers can do to unseat DarkRyda and TenciousMojo as "kings of TPU!"

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