ControlPoint Type

The ControlPoint object type is created by ObjectTemplate.Create.

A Control point defines a captureable or none captureable area of a map. This type is used in the ControlPointsTemplate.con file in the Game/level/gametype folder. The Radius defines how close you need to be to the spawn point and the Team ID is which team is in control of it by default.

Used in a total of 125 .con files: Controlpointtemplates.con

Parent directory of these .con files: Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from Bf1942/Levels/Battle_of_Britain/Conquest/ControlPointTemplates.con)
   rem -----------------------------------------
   rem --- Axis_East_Airfield ---
   rem -----------------------------------------
   ObjectTemplate.Create ControlPoint Axis_East_Airfield
   ObjectTemplate.NetworkableInfo ControlPointInfo
   ObjectTemplate.SetControlPointName Axis_Airfield
   ObjectTemplate.Radius 50
   ObjectTemplate.Team 1
   ObjectTemplate.SpawnGroupId 1
   ObjectTemplate.SecondSpawnGroupId 2
   ObjectTemplate.ObjectSpawnerId 1
   ObjectTemplate.AreaValue 50
   ObjectTemplate.TimeToGetControl 9999
   ObjectTemplate.TimeToLoseControl 9999
   ObjectTemplate.DisableIfEnemyInsideRadius 0
   ObjectTemplate.DisableWhenLosingControl 0
   ObjectTemplate.LoseControlWhenEnemyClose 0
   ObjectTemplate.LoseControlWhenNotClose 0
   ObjectTemplate.UnableToChangeTeam 1
   ObjectTemplate.Geometry flagbase_m1
   ObjectTemplate.HasCollisionPhysics 1
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate AnimatedFlag
   ObjectTemplate.SetPosition 0.000000/8.200000/0.000000
   ObjectTemplate.SetTeamGeometry 1 flagge_m1
   ObjectTemplate.SetTeamGeometry 2 flaguk_m1

Properties used with this type of object:

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