SpawnGroupId Property

   ObjectTemplate.SpawnGroupId number

Argument values:

argument 1:    range is -1 to 72; most commonly 4

Description: This property associates a control flag with other spawn point information. So, when a control point is owned by a side, all of its associated spawn points are active. The group number set in spawnPointManagerSettings.con is the same as that set in ControlPointTemplates.con with SpawnGroupId and ObjectSpawnerId, and in SoldierSpawnTemplates.con with SetGroup.

See ControlPointTemplates.con for how this property is used.

Related properties: ObjectSpawnerId, SetGroup

Used in object types (and how often in each type): ControlPoint (99%)

Used in a total of 125 .con files: Controlpointtemplates.con

Parent directory of these .con files: Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from Bf1942/Levels/Kursk/Conquest/ControlPointTemplates.con)
   ObjectTemplate.Create controlpoint AxisBase_1_Cpoint
   ObjectTemplate.NetworkableInfo ControlPointInfo
   ObjectTemplate.SetControlPointName German_Base
   ObjectTemplate.Radius 5
   ObjectTemplate.Team 1
   ObjectTemplate.SpawnGroupId 1
   ObjectTemplate.ObjectSpawnerId 1
   ObjectTemplate.AreaValue 40
   ObjectTemplate.TimeToGetControl 9999
   ObjectTemplate.TimeToLoseControl 9999
   ObjectTemplate.DisableIfEnemyInsideRadius 0
   ObjectTemplate.DisableWhenLosingControl 0
   ObjectTemplate.LoseControlWhenEnemyClose 1
   ObjectTemplate.LoseControlWhenNotClose 0
   ObjectTemplate.UnableToChangeTeam 1
   ObjectTemplate.Geometry flagbase_m1
   ObjectTemplate.HasCollisionPhysics 1
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate AnimatedFlag
   ObjectTemplate.SetPosition 0/8.2/0
   ObjectTemplate.SetTeamGeometry 1 flagge_m1
   ObjectTemplate.SetTeamGeometry 2 flagso_m1

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