LoseControlWhenEnemyClose Property

   ObjectTemplate.LoseControlWhenEnemyClose boolean

Argument values:

argument 1:    0, 1; most commonly 1

Description: If set to 1, this means that a ControlPoint will begin to change when an enemy is within its Radius. 0 means the control point cannot be captured by the enemy (but could be lost by LoseControlWhenNotClose). BF 1942 will often make sure a control point is uncaptureable no matter what by using:

 ObjectTemplate.TimeToGetControl 9999
 ObjectTemplate.TimeToLoseControl 9999

Related properties: DisableIfEnemyInsideRadius, DisableWhenLosingControl, LoseControlWhenEnemyClose, LoseControlWhenNotClose, TimeToGetControl, TimeToLoseControl

Used in object types (always present 100% of the time): ControlPoint

Used in a total of 125 .con files: Controlpointtemplates.con

Parent directory of these .con files: Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from Bf1942/Levels/Anzio/SinglePlayer/ControlPointTemplates.con)
   ObjectTemplate.Create ControlPoint ALLIES_BASE
   ObjectTemplate.NetworkableInfo ControlPointInfo
   ObjectTemplate.SetControlPointName ALLIES_BASE
   ObjectTemplate.Radius 40
   ObjectTemplate.Team 2
   ObjectTemplate.SpawnGroupId 1
   ObjectTemplate.ObjectSpawnerId 1
   ObjectTemplate.AreaValue 25
   ObjectTemplate.TimeToGetControl 5
   ObjectTemplate.TimeToLoseControl 5
   ObjectTemplate.DisableIfEnemyInsideRadius 0
   ObjectTemplate.DisableWhenLosingControl 0
   ObjectTemplate.LoseControlWhenEnemyClose 1
   ObjectTemplate.LoseControlWhenNotClose 0
   ObjectTemplate.Geometry flagbase_m1
   ObjectTemplate.HasCollisionPhysics 1
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate AnimatedFlag
   ObjectTemplate.SetPosition 0/8.2/0
   ObjectTemplate.SetTeamGeometry 1 flagit_m1
   ObjectTemplate.SetTeamGeometry 2 flagus_m1

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