NetworkableInfo Property

   ObjectTemplate.NetworkableInfo name

Argument values:

argument 1:    AA_Allies_BodyInfo, AA_Allies_GunInfo, AA_Allies_TurretInfo, AA_Base_BodyInfo, AT25BodyInfo, AirTower_NVA1Info, AirTower_NVA2Info, AirTower_NVA3Info, AirTower_US1Info, AirTower_US2Info, AirTower_US3Info, ...

Description: Set the name of the network id for this object. Once set, other players will be able to see the object moving, rotating, etc., over the network. See the NetworkableInfo class. Another name used to set this same property is SetNetworkableInfo.

Used in object types (and how often in each type): Bundle (1%), Camera (1%), ClusterProjectile (100%), ControlPoint (87%), Engine (34%), FireArms (25%), Flag (100%), FreeCamera (50%), HandFireArms (85%), Hook (50%), Kit (100%), MusicPlayer (100%), PlayerControlObject (34%), Projectile (17%), RotationalBundle (31%), Spring (14%), Winch (100%), Wing (9%), WireLink (100%)

Used in a total of 441 .con files:, Controlpointtemplates.con, Ctf.con, Init.con, Object.con, Objects.con, Physics.con, Weapons.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, objects/Stationary_Weapons, objects/Soldiers, objects/MOVE_FILES, objects/Items, objects/HandWeapons, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from objects/Vehicles/Land/PanzerIV/Objects.con)
   rem *** panzer Tower
   ObjectTemplate.Create RotationalBundle PanzerIVTower
   ObjectTemplate.NetworkableInfo PanzerIVTurretInfo
   ObjectTemplate.Geometry PanzerIV_Tower_M1
   ObjectTemplate.HasCollisionPhysics 1
   ObjectTemplate.SetPivotPosition 0/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.SetMaxSpeed 35/60/60
   ObjectTemplate.SetAcceleration 1000/200/150
   ObjectTemplate.SetContinousRotationSpeed 0/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.SetInputToYaw c_PIMouseLookX
   rem ----------------------------------
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate PanzerIVGunBase
   ObjectTemplate.SetPosition 0/1.55/0.82
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate PanzerIV_Browning_PCO1
   rem ----------------------------------
   ObjectTemplate.SetAttachToListener 1
   ObjectTemplate.LoadSoundScript Sounds/PanzerIVTower.ssc

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