Welcome to jdrgaming.com Wednesday, May 15 2024 @ 09:36 PM PDT

New mod based on Forgotten Hope 0.7

Sisko recently pointed out that a new mod called "Forgotten Hope Revisited" was released on March 30. The original FH developers stopped work on the BF1942 mod some time ago, in favour of the FH mod for BF2. Which was unfortunate, since FH on BF1942 had a lot of promise, but was just too buggy to run on TPU.

You can read about the new mod here:

The FHR modders are adding units, but they are also improving graphics and sound, and fixing bugs.

So, the question is: should we try it on TPU, or should we maybe wait until the bugs have been sorted out?

New: link page

I've added a links page to the web site. You can access it from the top menu or the Site Features sidebar menu. The first link to be added is for a project Sisko is working on: "Because We Were There" which is an effort to document veterans' wartime experiences.

Any registered site user can submit links.

TPU outage last night

I apologize for the extended outage last night. The cable techs were here to make some changes to my TV service, but also changed my Internet modem for some reason, and caused all kinds of problems. Everything should be back to normal this morning.

More Ubisoft stupidity

If you needed yet another reason to avoid Ubisoft games completely, they have just provided one. Apparently they are moving some of their services to new servers, and during that time, certain games will not function. At all. Even if you only want to play single-player games. That's because those games won't run unless they can access those Ubisoft servers. Behold the supreme idiocy of DRM.

They haven't even bothered to estimate the duration of the outage, so all you can do is keep trying until your game finally starts working again. So lame.

As if that's not bad enough, many in the tech industry (including myself) are scratching their heads, wondering why moving a critical service to new server hardware would be planned to involve more than a few seconds of downtime. This is not rocket science: get the new hardware up and running, flip the switch, then when everything looks okay, pull down the old servers.

The details are in this Ubisoft announcement:

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