Welcome to jdrgaming.com Monday, March 31 2025 @ 02:36 PM PDT

TPU (Tanks n Planes Unlimited)

JDRGaming site and game servers: planned outage Aug 30

Due to circumstances beyond my control, all of the JDRGaming game servers will be unavailable on August 30.

A planned local power outage is expected to last from 8:30am to 6:30 pm on August 30. The outage will also affect this web site (jdrgaming.com).

I will post updates on the @JDRGamingStatus Twitter account as events unfold tomorrow.

UPDATE: As of 12:50pm PST, power has been restored and the server is back up. All game servers are back online.

New IP address for all game servers

At about 3am PST today (2017Jun01), my Internet Service Provider (Shaw) changed my WAN IP address. Again. This happens from time to time because of the type of service I use. I'm now considering switching to a service that provides a static IP address.

The IP address for all JDRGaming game servers is now Server lists will gradually update, but you can usually hurry things along by clicking an 'update' or 'refresh' button in game clients.

I'll update the alerts at the top of the home page to show the new IP address.

If you have any trouble connecting, please use the 'report a problem' link below the TPU Status box.

New IP address for all game servers

At about 2am PST today (2017Jan16), my Internet Service Provider (Shaw) changed my WAN IP address. This happens from time to time because of the type of service I use.

The IP address for all JDRGaming game servers is now Server lists will gradually update, but you can usually hurry things along by clicking an 'update' or 'refresh' button in game clients.

I've updated the alerts at the top of the home page to show the new IP address.

If you have any trouble connecting, please use the 'report a problem' link below the TPU Status box.

TPU stats have been reset

It's a new year, so the stats for the TPU BF1942 server have been reset. Stats for 2016 are now available by clicking the appropriate link from the list in the sidebar: 'Statistics' links to the current year's stats, '2016' links to 2016's stats, and so on.

Sisko won the points race again in 2016, but Wingslinger wasn't far behind.

Battle of Britain: help for the Axis

A TPU regular recently suggested that the Battle of Britain map was unwinnable by the Axis. Certainly the TPU version of the map makes an Axis victory more difficult: the Allied factory and all five of the radar towers - all of which must be destroyed - respawn after a brief delay.

Still, I was certain that Axis victory was possible. But I was wrong. Checking TPU's map stats, I found that of the 854 rounds played on the BoB map, exactly zero had been won by the Axis.

Accordingly, I adjusted the map setup to make things easier for the Axis. The factory still respawns after a few minutes, but the radar towers do not.

It's not a squadron of Spitfires, but I think the Luftwaffe will find the going a bit easier now, in the skies over London.

Possible changes to TPU

There's been some discussion on the TPU Facebook page about some of the TPU maps having too many tickets. Certainly some of the maps - Wake and Midway in particular - seem to go on forever.

The current set of maps, including the number of tickets each map starts with, was set up by (and for) a previous group of players. Wake and Midway have a lot of tickets because those folks were heavily into air combat, and those are a couple of the best maps for that kind of thing. If you don't fly, grinding back and forth between the two spawn points on Midway gets old quickly.

The point is that different people have different play styles, and like different kinds of maps. There's no way to make everyone happy. The easiest way to get past a map you're not enjoying is to issue a map vote. The map voting system is set up so that even a lone player can use it to change maps.

Still, if the current crop of players can agree on shortening Wake, Midway, or any other map, I'd be happy to make the required adjustments. I could even reduce the global ticket ratio, although that would affect all maps.

If you'd like your opinion known, you have several options. Go to the Contact page for a few ideas. If you have an account on this site (contact me to set one up), you can comment on this post. You can also vote in the new poll I've set up (look for it in the right sidebar). Anyone can vote on open polls; an account is not required.

Update: most of the maps currently have starting ticket numbers of 600/600. The exceptions are Wake (900/900); Battle of the Bulge (Allies 1200, Axis 600); Berlin (Allies 600, Axis 360); Tobruk (Allies 600, Axis 900). The global map ratio setting is currently 300.

New: JDRGaming Discord server

Discord is an excellent, free, gaming-centric chat client that you can use on the web or run as a client on your computer.

I've been using the Discord Windows client for a few weeks now and I like it so much I'm switching to it for JDRGaming-related chat. Previously I was using IRC, but that was a bit tricky to set up for users. Discord is much simpler.

So there's now a JDRGaming Discord server, with channels for each of the JDRGaming game servers. You can use Discord or install the Discord client at the Discord web site.

Here's an instant invite for the JDRGaming Discord server: https://discord.gg/5KVyRUv. I've added the Discord invite URL to each of the game servers, so you should see it when you join or during gameplay.

TPU stats problem resolved

This morning I discovered that about a month's worth of Battlefield 1942 and Secret Weapons game logs had not been processed by the TPU stats system. I was able to locate the problem (a massive, corrupt log from a BG42 round started in April), fixed it, and re-processed the stats. Everything seems to be up to date and working again.

Problem with TPU stats

The TPU stats are showing game dates incorrectly. I'm not sure when this started, but since it seems to affect even stats archives from previous years, I'm investigating the PHP component of the stats system.

Hopefully I can fix this problem without losing any stats data, but I can't make any promises right now.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

UPDATE: As of 2016Mar13 11:15am, the problem seems to be resolved.

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