Welcome to jdrgaming.com Thursday, October 17 2024 @ 10:38 PM PDT

Welcome to jdrgaming!

I created this site to house all my gaming-related resources, including game server statistics and announcements, as well as gaming-related discussions, polls and a few downloads.

In particular, this site is a home on the web for anyone who plays Battlefield 1942 on the Tanks 'n Planes Unlimited server.

I don't play on TPU very often any more, but I do monitor it as much as possible. When I do play, I'm always [TPU]Boot13.

Discord is an excellent, free, gaming-centric chat client that you can use on the web or run as a client on your computer. There's now a JDRGaming Discord server, with channels for each of the JDRGaming game servers. You can use Discord or install the Discord client at the Discord web site. Here's an invite code for the JDRGaming Discord server's #general channel: https://discord.gg/5KVyRUv And here's one for the #tpu_server channel: https://discord.gg/kvg9mfX.

Fire me an email at jrivett@jdrgaming.com to let me know if you see anything broken or would like to suggest any changes. I can also be reached at jr0002@shaw.ca.

You can also chat with me any time via Skype, where I'm jeff.rivett.

As of November 2022, I'm on Mastodon: @jrivett@fosstodon.org

About Me

I operate a computer consulting business, Jeff Rivett Consulting. These days I mostly provide IT services, and develop and maintain web sites for various businesses and organizations. If you know anyone who needs a web site, or who has a web site and needs someone to manage it, please point them in my direction.

I also run a technology blog, Boot13. I write about Windows, Linux, security, tools and other computer-related subjects.

I occasionally post about bad drivers on my blog Driving Me Crazy.

profile for boot13 at Super User, Q&A for computer enthusiasts and power users

Enjoy the site!

-- Jeff Rivett