Gamespy is apparently having problems since moving or upgrading some servers on August 26. This is affecting all multiplayer games that use Gamespy as a conduit for server browsing, regardless of where the server is hosted.
Gamespy has said nothing official about this on their web site, but there is some discussion on the Gamespy forums.
The problems are intermittent. If you are trying to join a game on TPU, you may not even be able to see the list of Internet servers in the in-game browser; the game seems to hang when you click the INTERNET button. If you wait long enough, the server list may appear but the game will still be unresponsive.
If you can get to point where you can click the JOIN SERVER button, click it and enter the TPU server address directly: That should work.
However, there are also reports that once you join a game, you may be dropped from the server at any time or between maps.
Additional resources:
UPDATE: On the recommendation of a commenter, I finally relented and installed XFire. I confirmed that joining TPU from XFire works fine even with Gamespy messed up. Although there aren't likely to be many other players while these problems persist. My XFire username is SquareBracket.