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 Saturday, December 10 2011 @ 05:16 PM PST (Read 2172 times)  


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Registered: 01/30/11
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O.k. I just had to tell people about the meat-grinder of a battle that took place on TPU yesterday. We were fighting for the axis and a few of us were taking on the task of bombing the british defensive positions and I started to notice we were getting chopped up pretty good. The slow moving, clumsy JU88's were no match for the nimble, Pratt&Whitney powered Spitfires being flown by the crackshot pilots of the RAF(Mojo, I think). The air was thick with the smell of burning planes and imminent defeat. I had to think, radically. I then got a hold of a good comrade and even better pilot, the recently promoted and commendatory A.K.A.
"Not-A-Bot". I manned the 7.9mm defensive machine guns while Not-A-Bot took flight and to my great delight we were joined by our own crackshot, "TopShot"(fitting, right?). As we took to the skies it wasn't long before we were met by the same resistance as we had been experiencing all day but this time we were ready! The order "Fire!" came over the radio and our guns exploded to life and it wasn't long before the strong oder of cordite primers and gunpowder filled the air. I had a Tommy in my sights and depressed the trigger and watched his plane disintegrate in front of my eyes. "YEAH! GET SOME!" I yelled as the debris fell away and disappeared into the damp,grey British coastline. I could hear my co-gunners guns screaming and immediately saw two British planes explode into raging balls of fire. We made a pass over the British stronghold and industrial site and delivered our payload with devastating results. One could only describe us as the "Bringers of Death" and you could almost see the look of terror on the faces of the British pilots brazen enough to approach us. They didn't last long as we turned the red hot barrels upon them. With our mission complete we returned to base with a hero's welcome, but in the back of our minds, there was,and always will be, a thick residue of the death and destruction that we had delivered to the British pilots.
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Sunday, December 11 2011 @ 07:41 AM PST  


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Registered: 02/10/09
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Nice! I like the narrative style. I have a hard time writing like that because I think I sound too corny. But when I read other people's writing like that I enjoy it. Go figure.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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