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 Saturday, December 10 2011 @ 01:23 PM PST (Read 6335 times)  


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this is an epic story and it spans over a few years....
long time ago G berlin would come into tpu and dominate, this was before the ratio was changed and both sides had the same amount of players, he would always join the "other" side and ruin everyones game, plus u could never kill him. jeff checked him out and found he was running a cheat, he was banned from TPU.
here lately i been seeing him in the all day midway servers, and 1 day we met up again....
i was in a destroyer when a plane started to bomb me, i bobbed and weaved and eventually i shot the plane down, it was G-berlin. i thought that was cool but it wasnt over... a few mins later a battleship came in site and sunk me. i exited the ship and swam towards the battleship, eventually got on it. me being a stick hook, i ex packed all 4 seats of the ship, sat back and smoked a cig and waited for him to get out.... he came up on another destroyer and sunk it, but he also got out to repair his ship, i hit the expack and boom, it was G-berlin again!!! 2-0 so far, i got a boat and ran for my life, he poped a few shots off at me but i got away. i took the long way around to the allied fleet and sneaked onto thier carrier. eventually i got up top and 1 plane was sitting there, sbd, i layed a mine on its right wing. wasnt long it started up and exploded, G-berlin again, lol i couldnt belive my luck. i jumped off the carrier and swam around to the other side and was sneaking around the front of the carrier when i could see a dude looking over the edge, i poped him off and jumped back into the ocean, G-berlin, 4-0 so far. i swam around to the back of the carrier and climbed back upto the planes, noone was around, just a single sbd there so i got in took off. i said in chat "hey G-berlin remember when u got banned for cheating?" he didnt respond, so i said"feels good to own u now"
the map eventually ended and i only had a score of 4 kills but no deaths and i was on alot of ships, did alot of swimming, and alot of waiting for them 4 kills. and a added bonus, all 4 were G-berlin
btw he likes to play in them midway 24/7 servers, check him out, lol
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 Saturday, December 10 2011 @ 05:23 PM PST  


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That is a friggin excellent war story!!. HA! I mean, I actually got excited reading it. And talk about sweet justice! Oh, and DarkRyda........ remind me to never get on your bad side.LOL! Awsome, keep em' coming!
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Sunday, December 11 2011 @ 07:32 AM PST  


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Revenge is sweeeeeeeet. Hey Ryda, remember Hitler Jr? He was another total ass-hat that got banned.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Sunday, December 11 2011 @ 02:07 PM PST  


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Ass-Hat...HA! Sweet.
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 Monday, December 12 2011 @ 07:59 AM PST  


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Funniest moment , B.F.pirates ,and I like first time online with people, going at it 2 vs. 2, anyways I hear "run away" "run away", "run away", this skeleton guy goes running from left to right across my screen , voice getting fainter looking like the " keep on truckin " guy , It was Darkness , maybe ya had to be there , but it still makes me laugh , and the first time shooting a "gnat" , little boat / big cannon Idea: (TPU) Pirate day?
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Tuesday, December 13 2011 @ 06:56 AM PST  


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The main problem with Pirates is that it doesn't support co-op vs. bots. Being that TPU is primarily a co-op server, I've avoided it up to now. But I think I'll run it on a Wildcard Wednesday at some point in the future.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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*GP* not-a-bot
 Tuesday, December 13 2011 @ 06:25 PM PST  


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Have you tried running the singleplayer version of Pirates? I've run it locally on two pc's and it can be buggy, but I didn't know if that was my machines.
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Wednesday, December 14 2011 @ 07:02 AM PST  


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No, I didn't even know an SP version existed. I'll check it out.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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