Welcome to jdrgaming.com Friday, September 20 2024 @ 05:57 PM PDT

Husky enhancements

DarkRyda's new take on the 'Husky' Road To Rome map is now live on TPU.

The old setup had a lot of planes due to the carrier and there only being one AA gun. He changed that by adding a lot of new AA gun locations, a few in some pretty sweet spots. He also added BF109s at the Axis main base. Two more planes were added to the Allied carrier: Mustangs and a single B17.

Note: the carrier does not spawn the mustangs or the B17; they drop out of the sky and land on the carrier. Since the map is so small and people are not likely to be moving the carrier, it should not be a problem. The B17 only spawns one at a time, so this is just a bonus, not a B17 spawning machine. B17s seem to cause server crashes, especially when there are more than one or they are crashing at the same time.

Thanks, Ryda!