Welcome to jdrgaming.com Tuesday, May 07 2024 @ 12:18 PM PDT

More problems with Gamespy traffic

Over the last few days, TPU has once again been affected by excessive GameSpy traffic coming from a few specific IP addresses on the internet. There are a few possibilities: a) a misconfigured or misbehaving server monitor or GameSpy client; b) a DDoS attack against TPU; or c) a DDoS attack against some other site that is attempting to use the TPU server as part of the attack (GameSpy-enabled servers like TPU can be used to propagate DDoS attacks). If anyone has more information on what might be going on, please let me know. For now, I'm blocking the offending addresses as soon as I detect them. The good news is that I found a way to block IP addresses that doesn't require rebooting the router, so TPU players won't be affected.

Here are the offending IP addresses (note that these may be spoofed): 66-96-240-87.hostnoc.net (Australia) - c-67-171-212-25.hsd1.or.comcast.net - sanjose.colocrossing.com - ks310582.kimsufi.com (France) - server.saxondata.co.uk (UK) - server.g4tc-us-razor.com (repeat offender) - ns2552.dizinc.com