Welcome to jdrgaming.com Friday, May 17 2024 @ 11:11 PM PDT

New Cassino, Santa Croce, and a few fixes

TPU has a new Cassino map thanks to DarkRyda. This new version of Cassino has PAK40s that respawn, more unit variety, better tanks and more tank spawns for both sides.

DarkRyda also provided a new version of Santa Croce, with Shermans, M10s, Mustangs and Spitfires for the Allies; Tigers, Pz IVs, BF109s and Stukas for the Axis, along with more tank spawns and spawn points.

The Yak9 in Battle of Britain has been moved away from the AA tower at the eastern airfield.

Subs in Midway have been tweaked to try to fix the bot spawning issue. Landing craft now spawn to the initial sub locations, so that bots can make it to land without drowning. We're still looking at ways to improve this.