Welcome to jdrgaming.com Monday, February 10 2025 @ 01:58 AM PST

TPU (Tanks n Planes Unlimited)

TPU has a new IP address

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the IP address for TPU changed yesterday.

New address:
Old address:

Please update your game client software as necessary.

UPDATE: The Game-Monitor.com people are a bit behind on updating server info, so they haven't registered the new IP yet (as you can see to the right).

UPDATE: I finally gave up and resubmitted TPU to Game-Monitor.com so now it's working again.

B17 at Wake

An early Christmas present from DarkRyda, the Wake Island map on TPU now sports a B17 at the island airfield. Enjoy!

More problems with Gamespy traffic

Over the last few days, TPU has once again been affected by excessive GameSpy traffic coming from a few specific IP addresses on the internet. There are a few possibilities: a) a misconfigured or misbehaving server monitor or GameSpy client; b) a DDoS attack against TPU; or c) a DDoS attack against some other site that is attempting to use the TPU server as part of the attack (GameSpy-enabled servers like TPU can be used to propagate DDoS attacks). If anyone has more information on what might be going on, please let me know. For now, I'm blocking the offending addresses as soon as I detect them. The good news is that I found a way to block IP addresses that doesn't require rebooting the router, so TPU players won't be affected.

Here are the offending IP addresses (note that these may be spoofed): 66-96-240-87.hostnoc.net (Australia) - c-67-171-212-25.hsd1.or.comcast.net - sanjose.colocrossing.com - ks310582.kimsufi.com (France) - server.saxondata.co.uk (UK) - server.g4tc-us-razor.com (repeat offender) - ns2552.dizinc.com

BG42 updated on TPU

TPU is now running Battlegroup 1942 version 1.7 on Sundays (upgraded from version 1.6). The "How-to and files" section now lists links to the BG42 1.7 client files (all five of them).

Midway subs are back

Subs are once again available on the Midway map on TPU. Japanese bots still sometimes try to swim from their sub to land, but rarely. The Jap sub is along the western edge of the map and the American sub is on the eastern edge. You should be able to spawn to their decks.

Oops, we broke TPU!

Well, this is embarrassing. The most recent changes to carrier planes and Midway seem to have messed things up, causing both server and client crashes. Those changes have been reverted so everything should be back to normal (no crashes). Unfortunately, that means no more subs on Midway (for now). But we'll keep working on those pesky subs. Please let me know if there are any other problems.

Midway carrier and sub tweaks

Mojo has been hard at work on the subs at Midway and carrier planes. Since we can't seem to prevent bots from spawning at the subs at map start, there are now landing craft nearby. Bots jump into the landing craft and head off to attack the island. It's goofy, but it works.

As for the carriers, Mojo has added more plane variety to their decks, including - get this - a B17 on the Allied carrier. It's surprisingly easy to take off on the short deck. Fun times.

More tanks, planes for Axis at Omaha Beach

Omaha Beach on TPU now has more heavy tanks at the Axis base. There's also a plane at the Axis base. Yes, that's right, a plane. It's west of the fence, almost out of bounds. It's tricky to take off, but possible. Of course there's not a lot of room to fly around, except over the channel. Thanks, Mojo!

New Cassino, Santa Croce, and a few fixes

TPU has a new Cassino map thanks to DarkRyda. This new version of Cassino has PAK40s that respawn, more unit variety, better tanks and more tank spawns for both sides.

DarkRyda also provided a new version of Santa Croce, with Shermans, M10s, Mustangs and Spitfires for the Allies; Tigers, Pz IVs, BF109s and Stukas for the Axis, along with more tank spawns and spawn points.

The Yak9 in Battle of Britain has been moved away from the AA tower at the eastern airfield.

Subs in Midway have been tweaked to try to fix the bot spawning issue. Landing craft now spawn to the initial sub locations, so that bots can make it to land without drowning. We're still looking at ways to improve this.

Excessive GameSpy traffic

There have been sporadic problems with the responsiveness of TPU because of a lot of GameSpy traffic being generated by a few specific IP addresses on the internet. There are a few possibilities: a) a misconfigured or misbehaving server monitor or GameSpy client; b) a DDoS attack against TPU; or c) a DDoS attack against some other site that is attempting to use the TPU server as part of the attack (GameSpy-enabled servers like TPU can be used to propagate DDoS attacks).

I'm blocking these IP addresses when I see them, but unfortunately that requires rebooting the router, so any current server connections are dropped. I will try to time the reboots to occur between maps.

Here are the offending IP addresses (note that these may be spoofed): (server.g4tc-us-razor.com) (a high profile game server in the US) (a high profile game server in the US)

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