Welcome to jdrgaming.com Monday, March 31 2025 @ 02:36 PM PDT

TPU (Tanks n Planes Unlimited)

Router problems

The router between the JDRGaming game servers and the Internet is acting up. It started rebooting itself frequently about a week ago. When it reboots, any active connections to the game servers are dropped.

I've been unable to find the source of the problem, so I'm planning to replace it later today.

I apologize for any inconvenience.

BF1942 master server IP changed

(Updated 2015Sep13 to correct a few things.)

As of September 8, the Battlefield 1942 master server we've all been using since Gamespy went away has been moved to a different IP address. Initially it looked like this would be temporary change, but they later announced that the change was permanent. The old IP address will continue to work, but the service operators recommend using the new one (

If you haven't already done so, you'll have to use whatever method you used previously to switch to the new master server (at, to switch to the new server at In my case, I modifed my gaming PC's HOSTS file:

# master.gamespy.com
# New IP circa 2015Sep11: master.gamespy.com

I also changed the HOSTS file on the TPU server, so players should be able to join and the server should update its status on various server trackers as before.

In related news, the server list at http://master.bf1942.sk/ is back online.

New: Server Status page

I just posted a new link in the Site Features section of the left sidebar: Server Status. The linked page describes all the methods by which you can find out what's going on with all the JDRGaming game servers. Check it out!

Update: I accidentally left the new page flagged as a draft. The problem has been fixed. Sorry about that.

WAN IP has changed

Due to a router change, the IP address of all JDRGaming game servers has changed to Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Game servers are down

The server hosting the JDRGaming game servers has experienced a major hard drive failure and is down until the failed drive can be replaced. I expect to have the server itself up and running later today, but the game servers may not be up until Sunday. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Update: The server (and all three game servers running on it) are back up as of 10:33am, March 7.

TPU stats reset

The stats for TPU have been reset for the new year. As usual, the previous year's stats have been archived and can still be accessed by clicking the '2014' link in the left sidebar.

TPU stats formula changed

Several days ago I once again tweaked the formula used to calculate points in the TPU stats.

Note that you can ignore the points column completely and simply sort the stats by Score, Kills, Score per Round (S/R), Kill/Death Ratio (K/D), gold/silver/bronze stars - just click the associated heading.

The new formula places less emphasis on number of attacks and now includes team kills. Here's the formula:


Gamespy master finally offline

I just received an alert that the computer at (where the Gamespy master server resided until today) has stopped responding. That probably means that the Gamespy master server is gone for good. Originally slated to go offline on June 30, the server has stayed up and working until today, leading some to speculate that it would be rescued from oblivion somehow. Those speculations seem to have been incorrect.

TPU has been using a replacement master server since June 14.

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