Welcome to jdrgaming.com Monday, March 31 2025 @ 02:38 PM PDT

TPU (Tanks n Planes Unlimited)

Stats reprocessing

Tonight I will clear the stats in preparation for reprocessing all the data since about February 10, using the new stats processing software. Several major bugs have been fixed and the resulting stats should be much more accurate and useful.

Server search now works

The server search function at the bottom of the main TPU stats page was not working and the associated year dropdown list was not up to date. Both of these issues have been resolved and server search now works correctly.

Player last seen date is now correct

There was a bug in the player details on the TPU stats site whereby the 'last seen' date/time for every player was the same as 'last seen' for player 1. This bug has been corrected. 'Last seen' now shows when the player last played on the server.

Points formula revised

The formula for calculating player points on the TPU stats site has been revised. The new formula is a better indication of the contribution of a player. Also, heals and repairs have been removed from the formula since those numbers seem to be somewhat misleading.

Clan ranking works!

Clan stats tracking on the TPU stats site is now working.

Send your clan tag to the site admin (jrivett) to have your clan's stats tracked.

TPU stats site is now live

The new stats system for Tanks 'n Planes Unlimited is up and running. It's at tpu.jdrgaming.com. There's also a link to it at the top of the left side column on this site.

Check out the new stats and let me know what you think!

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