Welcome to jdrgaming.com Monday, March 31 2025 @ 02:59 PM PDT

jdrgaming site

Problem with TPU stats

The TPU stats are showing game dates incorrectly. I'm not sure when this started, but since it seems to affect even stats archives from previous years, I'm investigating the PHP component of the stats system.

Hopefully I can fix this problem without losing any stats data, but I can't make any promises right now.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

UPDATE: As of 2016Mar13 11:15am, the problem seems to be resolved.

Router problems

The router between the JDRGaming game servers and the Internet is acting up. It started rebooting itself frequently about a week ago. When it reboots, any active connections to the game servers are dropped.

I've been unable to find the source of the problem, so I'm planning to replace it later today.

I apologize for any inconvenience.

jdrgaming.com site is now mobile-friendly

This web site now works a lot better on mobile devices. Everything is still here, but there's a different top menu, and some things on the two sidebars have been rearranged a bit. If you can't see something where it used to be, try scrolling down a bit, because it may be way down on the right sidebar. What you see, and how it's displayed, depends a lot on your display and your browser width.

Please check out the site and let me know if you run into any problems.

Note that the TPU stats pages are still not mobile-friendly, and they're likely to stay that way.

New: Server Status page

I just posted a new link in the Site Features section of the left sidebar: Server Status. The linked page describes all the methods by which you can find out what's going on with all the JDRGaming game servers. Check it out!

Update: I accidentally left the new page flagged as a draft. The problem has been fixed. Sorry about that.

jdrgaming.com moved to JRC web server

The JDRGaming web site is now running on the JRC web server, Foghorn. As you may be aware, Foghorn also hosts the TPU Battlefield 1942 server, as well as the JDRGaming Battlefield 2 server and the JDRGaming Minecraft server.

This move solves several problems, including the recent flakiness of the shared hosting (provided by A Small Orange) where it previously resided. However, the move also has at least one negative consequence. Previously, if Foghorn was down for some reason, I would update the JDRGaming site with an explanation. Now, when Foghorn is down, the JDRGaming site will be inaccessible.

To get around this limitation, when the JDRGaming site is inaccessible, I will post status updates on the TPU Facebook page, the TPU Google+ page, the JDRGamingStatus Twitter feed, and the TPU IRC channel on GameSurge.

Previously, when I posted a status update to the JDRGaming site, I would also post links to that update on the TPU Facebook page, the TPU Google+ page, and the JDRGamingStatus Twitter feed. So it's not a very big change, but it does mean that you'll have to remember to check one of those other sources for information when the JDRGaming site is down.

Update 2015Aug29:

The TPU stats were down for a few hours while the move was taking effect, but they should be back up and running with the most recent information now.

The server monitor function has been taken offline for technical reasons. Hopefully that will be temporary.

A couple of months ago, XFire went offline. Because of this, all player widgets and other links to XFire resources have been removed from this site.

TPU stats outage

The TPU stats pages were out of action for a few days this week. First, the WAN IP change caused the update process to fail. I asked A Small Orange support to whitelist the new IP, which fixed that problem. Second, A Small Orange upgraded the shared host's version of PHP, and this messed up selectbf, the BF42 stats software. Fixing that problem involved upgrading a PHP library. The stats pages should now be working. Unfortunately, the admin functions are still not working, but that's not a problem for most users.

PayPal donation

I pay for JDRGaming web and game server hosting, as well as domain registration, server monitoring services, power, Internet service, and physical computers and network devices myself.

It's not a lot of money, but donations are appreciated!

Donation history

  • 2011
    • February: $15 (Sisko)
    • March: $15 (Sisko), $100 (DarkRyda)
  • 2012
    • February: $10 (Sisko)
  • 2013
    • February: $30 (Sisko)
  • 2014
    • March: $35 (Sisko)
  • 2016
    • February: $30 (Sisko)
  • 2017
    • March: $15 (Sisko)
  • 2023
    • March: $100 (Baracuta)
    • March: $100 (Robert Locksley)
    • April: $50 (Baracuta)
    • June: $50 (Baracuta)
  • 2024
    • January: $100 (Sixthsense)
    • January: $50 (Baracuta)
    • July: $100 (Baracuta)
    • August: $150 (Dragonfly)
    • August: $100 (Sixthsense)

Thanks, folks!


2024Aug02 - The Paypal Donation button has been re-enabled. You can find it in the sidebar, and it should also appear above this text.

2022Aug28 - I've disabled the Paypal donation button due to scammers abusing it to check stolen card numbers. This abuse will be reported to Paypal and -- after I've completed my own investigation -- possibly to relevant law enforcement. Of course the chickenshit scammer assholes doing this are using VPNs, so tracking them down won't be easy. But I have lots of free time.

Original message: I know, I know. I said I wasn't going to do this any time soon. Well, I changed my mind. JDRGaming now accepts donations via PayPal. PayPal takes a percentage of any donation, but it's worth it for the convenience. You can donate using your credit card, your PayPal account, or (in many cases) your bank account. Donations are used to offset hosting, ISP, and hardware costs, and are tracked right here on this page.

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