Welcome to jdrgaming.com Tuesday, February 04 2025 @ 10:56 PM PST

TPU (Tanks n Planes Unlimited)

TPU outage last night

I apologize for the extended outage last night. The cable techs were here to make some changes to my TV service, but also changed my Internet modem for some reason, and caused all kinds of problems. Everything should be back to normal this morning.

Hidden Airbase removed from DCX rotation

Apparently the DCX map Hidden Airbase was causing client as well as server crashes, so I've removed it from the DCX rotation.

UPDATE: The 'brit' version of the map was also causing lots of server crashes so I removed it. I also removed all the extra 'day2', 'day3' and 'brit' maps from the rotation.

TPU outage this morning

TPU was down for a few hours this morning, between about 1am and 7am PST. Both the dedicated server software and BFSM crashed. I'm investigating.

TPU Challenges page and first challenge posted

The new TPU Challenges page is up! You can find it in the 'TPU Stuff' section in the left sidebar. There's a direct link below.

The first challenge has also been posted: it's the =kink= Battle of Britain flying challenge. There's a map, rules and a scoreboard where your name will be listed when you master the challenge.

NOTE: the scoreboard is starting out blank, which means that any previous challenge completions have been wiped out. That way everyone starts on an even footing. Good luck!


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