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 Wednesday, December 07 2011 @ 06:09 AM PST (Read 2470 times)  

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I wanted to bring a concern of several players on base campers. In the past few weeks I haven't really played that much but I was in game recording footage. On several cases during my time on "while incognito' I have seen players that would rush and some even run you over to get to that spawn where the bots would spawn in hordes. I have seen players tk a team bot just to get them out the way or get their ride.

I never seen it like this before and once a few players start getting annoying to the point they will leave the game, I must bring this info here. I know we have a rule on this and often this rule never get enforced. But what I have seen would be players or just a player,set up shop where bots spawn and be right there to mow them down while others just sit and watch or just leave. I want to address these concerns of newer players are having.

But I have not one time in all my time on TPU ever seen this rule enforced (well before it was never this bad) and this seem like a new trend I am seeing. What do you guys think? I see one player just as important as I see all players new or old. The only reason I haven't kicked anyone yet is because some of the players in question are regulars.
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 Wednesday, December 07 2011 @ 06:44 AM PST  


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yes i know what u mean, almost every map has a pattern, and once players figure it out, they know were they need to be to rack up score. everytime i mod a map i consider campers. usually i can change the basic pattern that map set up had as default, but it also creates a new pattern the bots will fight with, and once the guys figure out the new pattern its right back to the same thing, they find i best place to sit
an example at britain, me and mojo tried to set up the axis base so that bots would get in tanks and it would be hard to just sit over there and blow up planes as they take off, well in the end it didnt work, the bots would get into stuff drive them out in front of planes and get out, and now the junkers tend to get stuck
maybe we do need to start enforcing that rule
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Wednesday, December 07 2011 @ 09:35 AM PST  


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I haven't seen too much of that myself but you guys play more than I do. Part of the problem with enforcing this rule is that there's a lot of grey area involved. For instance, any time I've played Jesse's version of Aberdeen, it always seems to end up where we're just outside the enemy's final base, and we're basically mowing them down as they emerge from the base. Is that spawn camping? If not, then how close do you have to be to the spawn point for it to qualify as spawn camping? There's also the issue of captureable spawn points. Is it reasonable to rush into an enemy base to try to turn their flag, killing any enemies that appear until you either die or capture the flag? I think that's fine. So, is the problem just with non-captureable spawn points? Clearly, if a player is hanging around near one of these points, he's not there to capture the flag. But on the other hand, killing all the enemy soldiers is one way to win, and if they're too dumb to notice you in their base and kill you, how is that your problem? What we have to do is figure out exactly what it is we're trying to prevent, which in my opinion should focus on actions that ruin the fun for other players. If one player is spawn camping at a non-cappable spawn point, accelerating the enemy's ticket drop, it can make the map a lot shorter and make it difficult for any other player to have any fun. If they're doing the same thing at a cappable spawn point, it can have the same effect, except that a) there's a legitimate reason for doing it; and b) if he's successful, it will change what the bots are going to do next. I dunno, there are a lot of factors. I'm thinking for now we should just discourage camping at non-cappable spawn points. What do you guys think?

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Thursday, December 08 2011 @ 05:23 PM PST  

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I agree that we should discourage this and perhaps thats all we need to do in action for now. After that and it still gets out of hand, then maybe a new plan would be in order. I will keep an eye out and also getting feedback from players.
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 Thursday, January 05 2012 @ 08:52 PM PST  


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I will admit im a camper at times but most of the time i do it to see how long they take to kill me lol. I will try not to camp so much in the future
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Friday, January 06 2012 @ 07:58 AM PST  


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Quote by: DracoDrake

I will admit im a camper at times but most of the time i do it to see how long they take to kill me lol. I will try not to camp so much in the future

I do it too, but often it's the only thing left to do, such as when only one flag remains. Also I enjoy suicide runs like you describe, where I get myself into their base and see how long it takes for the bots to kill me. When I do that I think of myself as special forces. LOL. Anyway, don't be too concerned unless you seem to be spoiling the fun for other human players. That's the key issue here.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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