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 Battlegroup42 v1.8
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*GP* not-a-bot
 Saturday, November 19 2011 @ 03:36 AM PST (Read 2162 times)  


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For anyone interested in following the development of BG42's next (and final) version, check out this website (I'm looking at you, Sisko):
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 Saturday, November 19 2011 @ 04:35 AM PST  


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Registered: 11/11/11
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Quote by: *GP* not-a-bot


If you like BattleGroup42 I do suggest you check the out their website, it has info on pretty much everything (and wow that looks like a drivable airship! Only BF1918 had those until now...got to love the Zeppelins. It also seems they are going use a new engine). Interestingly BG42 has gone through some pretty rough times but they're still hanging in there Smile .

Also an interesting side note: BattleGroup42, Forgotten Hope, Battlefield 1918 and Eve of Destruction are all German mods! Wink
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