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 Friday, June 10 2011 @ 05:23 PM PDT (Read 8186 times)  


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i am going to go thru alot of the bg42 maps and set them up the TPU style, no so much adding things as that takes way more time, but setting it so u are never waiting for ur ride is kinda easy.

im taking request, what map do u like, what map do u want modded??

if i get no request's i will pick maps i like, lol
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Saturday, June 11 2011 @ 05:44 AM PDT  


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That's great news! As always, DarkRyda leads the way...

I don't have any particular preferences in terms of maps. I've enjoyed every BG42 map I've played, except that I can't get a ride when I want one. So please go ahead with whichever ones you like.

Looking forward to this!

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Monday, June 13 2011 @ 01:28 AM PDT  

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Dark, if you are taking request : 4105-OPERATION MERCURY some rail cars removed if possible. and is there anyway you can look into"no rush" 4411-THE ROAR PLANS on adding a car or two in the field? This is a big map and kinda cool too however if your tank gets fried and your in the middle of the field..your toast with out a ride. But all in all I rather see what Rx you come up with on the maps, after all you are the DR of TPU....
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 Monday, June 13 2011 @ 05:45 PM PDT  


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sisko, u may not remember how tpu used to be, i think u found us after i had done alot of maps. anyway, at first tpu was setup so that every tank and plane spawn point would spawn 6 times before it would not spawn a tank or plane anymore. usually set at 6 it would never mox out, so there is always a vehicle waitig for ya when u get there. BUT nothing was added, it was pretty much exactly as a regular stock set up is in your single player mode, but each tank and plane would spawn 6 times. after me and mojo got our skills up with lots of trial and error, lol, we started adding things, this takes much more time as each vehicle must manually be typed into the maps files, one by one.
right now the bg42 maps are all stock set ups, nobody has gone thru them and bumped up the tank and plane spawns. only the few iv done like midway ,aberdeen, and phillopines, are set up at the moment, all the other maps would be the same as if u were playing single player offline. there might be a tank, there might not be, and most of the time there aint. thats what im doing at the moment, changing all the stock set ups to TPU style. i can set up a map to respawn vehicles in no time. but when i start adding things, thats a little harder and will take longer. my idea is to first get all the maps(or the more popular maps) set up to spawn lots of things, also we can always go back and add things later.
on a good night i can set up 3-8 maps, if i knew which ones to do. ever sit at a comp and brain storm and come up with nothin?? lol thats how i feel with bg42 cause there is over 100 maps. now taking the time to add something to 3- 8 maps would take me around 2-3 months. i got a fulltime job, and im requested by name. during the summer im flat out busy till christmas so its hard for me to take the time to set up maps the way everyone loves. iv stayed up all night setting up a map and the next day i aint got no clean clothes and im late for work, forget shit. and then when i try to test it, it dont even work and i gotta figure it out all over again...... i want to avoid moments like that.
so right now the idea is to spit out a lot of maps every night with spawn points bumped up. as for adding stuff, i can work on a few here and there in my free time(and dont get me wrong, this is what i love to do and would rather be doing, modding maps for tpu) while im working, but once winter comes its on!!! got 3 months to do nothing but play my game. if i can gather up alot of ideas now, in the winter i be ready to add to many maps.

as for moving objects, we try to stay away from things like that, its easy to move a tank, but a tree, building, or train car is a whole other thing together. it is possible to move an object, but there is a glitch. it would only be moved on the server side. you would still be able to see the train car, but u would be able to walk right thru it. i dont know about u but i dont feel like thats real. since everyone that comes in new will always see it and go around it anyway. we have moved things before but u may not have noticed since u still see everything. for instance at the eagles nest you can walk right thru the sand bags up top the hill cause they are not there anymore, but when you play on the server u can see them, even tho they are not there. i can teach u how to move them so when u play single player they are in fact moved but i dont think we are gonna move lots of things on the server, yet

i hope all that helps
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 Monday, June 13 2011 @ 05:56 PM PDT  


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oh yeah i will get started on those 2 maps u mentioned sisko, ill see about adding a car here and there too. i just wanted make it clear what the project is at the moment.
i do have new maps in the process, adding jet packs in hellendorn, more gun placements at wake(1942), but as i said before it takes me so long to do my magic sometimes.
right now i want to set up a good 50 or so maps for bg42 so its as action packed at the orginal maps are on the server.
actually hellendorn is a great example of the difference between TPU style and DR style, right now hellendorn is a stock set up with spawn rates increased. it appears like i set it up already even tho i never touched it. jeff himself set up that map years ago, its one of the few maps left that are one of his original set ups. thats what im gonna do with bg42, then we can go back and make them bad ass
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 Tuesday, June 14 2011 @ 05:26 AM PDT  

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Dark, yeah that would be great to know how to do and I have already been going thru Jeff's and your notes on mods. My plan is to be able to do some of the things jeff,you and mojo have done. It is a slow pace for me so I am talking about a year or even two before I would want to try to even summit a mod. But the idea of being able to do mods is a hobby I am starting, so if you have have anymore notes or advice that would be great. Being on where I am now, I have a little extra time to read up so to speak on mods than I do at home.
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Tuesday, June 14 2011 @ 06:04 AM PDT  


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Quote by: [TPU]Darkryda

thats what im doing at the moment, changing all the stock set ups to TPU style. i can set up a map to respawn vehicles in no time. but when i start adding things, thats a little harder and will take longer. my idea is to first get all the maps(or the more popular maps) set up to spawn lots of things, also we can always go back and add things later.

Thanks for the clarification, Ryda. And thanks for doing this. It makes a huge difference. Now, since there are so many BG42 maps to grind through, I'd like to volunteer to deal with some of them myself. How do you think we should divide up the list?

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Tuesday, June 14 2011 @ 06:41 PM PDT  


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well like i said, 1. i was gonna do the first maps in order, somewhat, so that everytime the server restarts it will play a few tpu style maps, then 2. i was gonna do my favorites. and 3. any requests will go to the top of the list.
i really dont know how we could divide them up, maybe we could break them up in sections, like one of us could say im gonna start at stalingrad winter and work my way down, then the other could start at the top and stop at stalingrad winter. or u could go ahead and do all the original maps at the bottom of the list, i wouldnt mind playing original bf maps with bg42 all set up tpu style.
right now im gonna do the 2 sisko asked for and i want to do both shingle maps. ill let u pick a starting point, jeff, then ill do another section, or...!!!! if u have a list of favorites, send me the list and ill not do them, dont make no difference to me, how ever u wanna do it. if people make any request's here, one of us should respond saying i got that one, so that we dont both do a requested map, lol

sisko - u can email me with any modding questions, i can teach u everything i know, i used to be an administator at a chess site a long time ago, i wrote many of the help files and was a great guide for the server, hell i even met my girl there lol, anyway i kinda see myself slowly turning into that again with TPU, the more people i can help, and the more people i can teach, will only make my "jobs" here at tpu easier
i cant wait till others are doing all the mods and all i gotta do is play em, lol
oh yeah, this will make u feel better sisko ----- it took me about 2 years to learn how to use battlecraft correctly, it took me forever to figure out the entire tpu style process, and i recall agood 5 times i crashed the server with a bad modification to a map, and yes there have been times i was embarrassed after fucking up the tpu server for everyone with common beginer mistakes. even tho now i make it seem like i snapped my fingers and POOF, a new bad ass map..... it wasnt always like that. i could hook u up with a nice list of modding ideas that DONT work, lol
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 Tuesday, June 14 2011 @ 07:33 PM PDT  


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here is a list of the different levels in mods to the TPU maps

level 1, everything is as it was when u bought the game, nothing special
example: play single player, u know what i mean
level 2. all tank/plane/cars/truck spawn points have been increased, its easy to find a ride. TPU style
example: el alamein(1942), hellendorn
level 3. all tank/plane/cars/truck spawn points have been increased, plus new locations for tank/plane/cars/truck spawn points plus new vehicles that were not originally on the map.
example: battle of bulge(1942), tobruk(1942), Gazala(1942)
level 4. a complete over haul, everything from level 3, plus new added gun emplacments(more MGs, AAs and defguns), requested additions from tpu players,
example: wake(1942), guadal canal(1942), monty cassino
level 5. usually a final set up to a bad ass map, everything is TPU style with all kinds of things added. usually a level 5 set up is done by both me and mojo, with lots of testing. and maybe even some hidden goodies.
example: berlin(1942), midway(BG42), husky, eagles nest, midway(1942), battle of britain(1942), aberdeen(BG42), iwo jima (1942)
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 Wednesday, June 15 2011 @ 08:21 AM PDT  

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Thanks Dark, I will take you up on your offer in the future.
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