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 Idea for the Battle of Britain (BF)
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 Tuesday, July 12 2011 @ 05:17 AM PDT (Read 2135 times)  

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Jeff, DR & TM I was wondering if I had your thoughts on a idea on BoB? What it be hard to reduce the spawn rate on the allied team planes only? I know it may seen odd if we are on allied but when we are on axis the sky looks like vultures heaven. No traffic light too lol. Anyway would less time to spawn be a slower time for a lot of plane to get air born? Can there be more fighter planes on the axis side? Mustang and zeros? Would that cause a history accuracy problem with BoB? Would having Ilyushin IL-2 and a b110 be hard to do? However if it does what "if that did it"b17s did than never mind on the extra planes part. But would you think it will spice up BoB? I have notice that when the b17s was removed...BoB lost a lot of players. Thanks....Just an idea. Idea
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Tuesday, July 12 2011 @ 08:17 AM PDT  


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Interesting ideas. I'm not at all committed to the way BoB is right now. I think where it is right now is basically with a lot of Ryda's mods (new spawn points, more AA, respawning AA towers, more planes, etc.) - except that I removed the B17s because they were causing issues.

I have no problem making any of the changes you mentioned, unless they cause problems like the B17s seemed to. Actually, given that TPU's server connection is stronger and faster than ever, it might be time to try putting the B17s back (maybe one at a time) as a test.

So Ryda, Mojo - if you guys want to spice up BoB some more, please go right ahead.

Meanwhile, I'm working on TPU-izing the original BF42 maps for BG42, developing a server crash analysis process, looking into adding modder credits to the server announcements, developing a useful TPU server monitor and testing ideas for wildcard days, so my plate is full.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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*GP* not-a-bot
 Tuesday, July 12 2011 @ 09:36 AM PDT  


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"Meanwhile, I'm working on TPU-izing the original BF42 maps for BG42, developing a server crash analysis process, looking into adding modder credits to the server announcements, developing a useful TPU server monitor and testing ideas for wildcard days, so my plate is full."
You made me think of this from The Princess Bride:
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 Tuesday, July 12 2011 @ 04:56 PM PDT  


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lol to GP, i actually know that movie.

ok first, most of the time 1 template controls the spawn rate of a plane on both sides, so lowering the planes for allies will also lower the planes for axis.
BUT!!! some of the allies planes have templates all they own, like i think the yak and the sbd use the same template, and i could revamp the file itself to use the templates to spawn 2 things a piece for just 1 side(this is possible for this map as it has no flags to spawn things and everything spawns at the start of the map anyway, this idea will not work on all maps) so the answer to the first question is yes i can certanly do that.
second, yes i can add more fighter planes to axis side, and to kinda keep things historically accurate i can place allied planes in the towns away from the axis base(but come on this is war, if u want a certain planes u should be able to fly over and get ya one, wink wink)
third, we can use a Ilyushin but not the BG42 style, and the b110 is a no go (we can only use bf1942 vehicles in the bf1942 mod)
forth, the b17 can be added back no problem but i dont believe a good connection would stop the crashes, if im not mistakin the problem with the b17 is a programming problem, as they go down with 4 engines on fire it overloads the game itself(it is an old game) and when 2 or more go down at the same time, it almost certain server crash. even tho i love a b17, i must urge not to add them to too many maps

so thats where i sit with this idea, dont yall think my set up are unchangeable, im down for adjustments and changes, we can also make 2 different set ups for 1 map and change them up from time to time, thats easy too, like we already have 2 set ups for berlin, we just flying the no tanks set up right now cause thats different from every other server.
ill let yall chat on all that info i just layed out and will get started on what everyone comes up with.

great ideas, i hope i didnt shoot too many down
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 Tuesday, July 12 2011 @ 05:20 PM PDT  

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Naw man you didn't shoot any down..I had forgotten what you said before "the road to rome and other mods cant be imported to bf" But I agree with you,"please no more b17s." all I was thinking was an idea to bring players back to BoB. This map use to be filled up with them and now its like the most I have seen in a game would be 4 no joke.. Maps are fun when you have a full team. Neutral
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Tuesday, July 12 2011 @ 09:46 PM PDT  


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Quote by: GP+not-a-bot

You made me think of this from The Princess Bride


-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Wednesday, July 13 2011 @ 06:32 PM PDT  

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DR next time we are in BoB can you show me the ju88 part of kink? "Just the route again" the pic doesn't help much. I've been busy with the ju88 in way of getting a good feel of them w/the stick. Mr. Green
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