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 Monday, October 31 2011 @ 05:52 PM PDT (Read 7627 times)  


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i am going to revise the race track for TPU. the plan is to find all the bugs, and try to use as many ideas as possible before christmas. sometime around christmas we are going to make this new version of the race track available to everyone. everyone will need to redownload the new copy, not sure how that will work yet. jeff can fill in those blanks.
what i need from everyone is this, all suggestions will be listened to, i want everyone to find the best parts of the map and how they can be better, i want to find all bugs and get rid of them, i want to explore every idea and see what all can be used in this map. i have already made a good bit of changes so far and even tested them on a few souls, they loved it so far.
here are the changes so far....
1. i removed the falling cars, people claimed they were lagging in that area
2. i removed the flag that spawned the falling cars so that is no longer a control point.
3. i renamed the train staion to "Mojo Field"
4. i added plane ammo at both main bases and mojo field, also added them at a new feature to the race track.
5. added AA guns and machine guns here and there and at all control points, so if u really wanna battle, bring it on
6. i removed the invisible wall that was in the center of the map, turns out the stalingrad fences i used on a bridge were doing this, i think its so when u get blown in the air at stalingrad u dont fly out of the map.
7. i lowered buildings i noticed were not sitting on the ground.
8. i added 1 new road.
9. i added a giaint fortress made out of bridges, u can fly thru it and drive thru it, perfect for stunt flying
10. i added a flag, spawn points, guns, cars, planes, buildings, ladders and all kinds of ways to get around at the flying fortress
11. added some writing in the bottom right corner that reads "this is a TPU original map. created by darkryda. testers = tenaciousmojo, joe nitro, not-a-bot, sisko
12. i created a chess board on the map and put "TPU fans" initials on different squares, its my way of having a walk of fame on TPU, if u want a square speak up!!!
13. i installed a tunnel at "Nitro Circle"
14. i removed about 12 train cars from mojo field, makes it easier to get around
15. i removed the high altitude spawn points at the start of the game, this is a cool feature but kinda anoying at the start. im gonna move this idea to one of the control points
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 Tuesday, November 29 2011 @ 05:36 PM PST  


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i cant believe nobody has responded to this....
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 Wednesday, November 30 2011 @ 10:31 AM PST  

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Oh man, I feel like a heel. I guess I must been in a hurry and busy spell lately,sorry. But I am here now and I will ask you this. The rtr and sw,is there a template for the planes? b110 ,natters etc etc? A few reasons I am asking is that if the racetrack had the bombers, players can use this to learn how to fly them better and if not,what about b17s?
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 Thursday, December 01 2011 @ 09:54 PM PST  


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i cant use anything from either of those 2 mods, the set up the race track for original bf 1942, im sure we can find some bf nuts somewhere that can convert it to other mods, but i dont know how to do that, id like to use some of those buildings that are in others mods too, but sorry on that. as for b17s.... many people have asked why they are not present, i guess thats a nudge, i shall add a few
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Friday, December 02 2011 @ 09:28 AM PST  


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I must have missed your post - sorry, Ryda.
See my responses below.

> i am going to revise the race track for TPU. the plan is to find all the bugs, and try to use as many ideas as possible before christmas. sometime around christmas we are going to make this new version of the race track available to everyone. everyone will need to redownload the new copy, not sure how that will work yet. jeff can fill in those blanks.

I can either update the existing DR map pack installer and re-post it, or I can create a new installer just for the TPU version of the Race Track, if it's going to be different and specific to TPU. Just let me know. It takes me a couple of hours to build an installer.

> 1. i removed the falling cars, people claimed they were lagging in that area
2. i removed the flag that spawned the falling cars so that is no longer a control point.

I noticed the lag as well. It was funny to watch but if it lags...

3. i renamed the train staion to "Mojo Field"

Works for me.

4. i added plane ammo at both main bases and mojo field, also added them at a new feature to the race track.


5. added AA guns and machine guns here and there and at all control points, so if u really wanna battle, bring it on


6. i removed the invisible wall that was in the center of the map, turns out the stalingrad fences i used on a bridge were doing this, i think its so when u get blown in the air at stalingrad u dont fly out of the map.

Aha! I was wondering about that.

7. i lowered buildings i noticed were not sitting on the ground.
8. i added 1 new road.


9. i added a giaint fortress made out of bridges, u can fly thru it and drive thru it, perfect for stunt flying
10. i added a flag, spawn points, guns, cars, planes, buildings, ladders and all kinds of ways to get around at the flying fortress

Sounds amazing. I think I saw that in one of Sisko's videos.

11. added some writing in the bottom right corner that reads "this is a TPU original map. created by darkryda. testers = tenaciousmojo, joe nitro, not-a-bot, sisko

Excellent. Self-documenting map!

12. i created a chess board on the map and put "TPU fans" initials on different squares, its my way of having a walk of fame on TPU, if u want a square speak up!!!


13. i installed a tunnel at "Nitro Circle"

Sounds good.

14. i removed about 12 train cars from mojo field, makes it easier to get around

That will definitely help.

15. i removed the high altitude spawn points at the start of the game, this is a cool feature but kinda anoying at the start. im gonna move this idea to one of the control points


It all sounds mondo cool. Looking forward to it.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Friday, December 02 2011 @ 09:00 PM PST  


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i was think of something like this, since the old version of the race track will no longer be needed, maybe just eliminate it from the map pack and make another installer for just the race track. that way everyone that has all the other maps will only have to get the new version of the race track. so in the end, there will be 2 installers for maps, 1 is the other 5 maps and the other installer is the new race track.
i think i got it about ready, got some fine tunning to do yet. i also been holding out for people to say hey can u put my initials on the race track but nobody has spoking up.
so far iv put these people on the chess board
joe nitro
not a bot
yokillaman - my buddy i hooked up with the game for free

there is plenty of room for more names, and i know a few that sure deserve(kink guys and dudes like lotus and rebelscout) to be part of it but hasnt said a word. i thought it would be a cool pic if everyone was to stand on their own personal square.
i want to stay away from constantly upgrading the race track, each time its modified, everyone has to redownload it, even if its as simple as adding 1 thing, so once we come out with the new version, thats it for a while. ill need alot of ideas to play with before i make everyone redownload the race track a third time, lol
im only gonna hold out about another week or so before i send it to jeff, so please guys any ideas u got send them now

iv noticed from playing it online at TPU a few areas that seemed to turn into hot spots, like....
nitro circle, everyone seems to be pulled to it like a magnet and just keep flying that lap over and over
mojo field, probly the variety of planes and cars, but mostly for the "train jump"
i think the new flying fortress will turn into a new hot spot too

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 Saturday, December 03 2011 @ 06:38 AM PST  

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Hey Doc, I have a request indeed. You know that small hill you did your initials on? Would it be easy or hard to have one with TPU on it? With it saying founder Jeff Rivett with the date TPU first started? You did ask for us to speak up and so I thought I would ask you this. For me, it's like having a thank you to Jeff for creating TPU.
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 Saturday, December 03 2011 @ 12:28 PM PST  


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i like that idea, and ill do that too
hey jeff when did u start the TPU server?
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Sunday, December 04 2011 @ 08:15 AM PST  


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When did I start TPU? Hmmm. I'll have to look at old logs...

I started running a BF1942 server around December 0f 2004. But it was called [OFC] and at first it was LAN only. In January of 2005, I opened it up to Internet players and people started joining.

I started modifying the original BF1942 maps with server-side-only changes to the number of tank and plane spawns in January 2007.

DarkRyda started playing on TPU in July 2008 and he's been modding and playing here ever since.

I changed the name of the server to Tanks n Planes Unlimited in January 2009 and started jdrgaming.com in February 2009.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Friday, December 09 2011 @ 06:33 PM PST  


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UPDATE: im just about finished with the new modifications to the race track. i want to thank everyone for all the ideas. i didnt want to have to make everyone redownload the map again for just a few little things. most of the map will still pretty much look the same, but i made close to 1000 changes. parts of the map will have an all new feel, a few pains and issues should be gone, and some areas will be brand new. i made changes that range from adding/removing buildings, changing flag locations, changing the names of flags, moving vehicles to adding vehicles, added new spawing locations for soldiers/planes/tanks/cars u name it. pilots are gonna really like the changes.
im gonna send this map to jeff on the 20th of december, hopefully he will have the new installer done around christmas or after.
im holding out for a new feature added to the race track, its a chess board with TPU fans initials on each square. its our way of showing respect to all those people that enjoy the TPU server. when the new version of the race track is released this chess board will remain forever with each person remembered and honored.
anyone can be part of this, if u want ur name on it speak up!! i been using 2 letters to represent each person, each person gets 1 square. some people have used their real initials some have gone with they game name initials, it dont matter its your square, u can use what ever u want.
just remember, after dec. 20 im not taking anymore names and there will be no more changes done to the race track map.
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