Welcome to jdrgaming.com Friday, April 19 2024 @ 04:07 AM PDT

New mod for Wildcard Wednesdays: Forgotten Hope

Next Wildcard Wednesday (September 14) TPU will be running a new (well, new for TPU, anyway) mod: Forgotten Hope. This is another realism mod with a load of new maps. Of course none of them have been tweaked for TPU, but it should be fun to explore this mod.

You should be aware that Forgotten Hope has some significant differences from classic BF42, particularly in the area of user interface. Tanks, for instance, have multiple views for the commander/driver, and only one of them has an aiming reticle. Press F9 to switch views.

There's a good overview of the mod here: http://forgottenhope.warumdarum.de.

You'll find download links for the Forgotten Hope client files (there are three of them) on the Files and links page.

See you on the battlefield!

UPDATE: Battle of Foy removed from the rotation due to repeated server crashes.