Welcome to jdrgaming.com Friday, July 26 2024 @ 11:23 PM PDT

TPU not appearing in server lists?

FIXED. The lesson: a three parter:

  1. Don't upgrade router firmware unless there is a good reason to do so.
  2. If you do upgrade router firmware, make sure you can revert to the previous version before you start. If you can't, there had better be a REALLY good reason for upgrading.
  3. If you're going to upgrade, make sure that you use the correct version for the hardware revision.

UPDATE: if you can't see the TPU server in your in-game browser, you can still connect to it directly at this IP:

DarkRyda reports that some users are unable to see the TPU server in their in-game server browser. Apparently this may have been going on for some time. I did notice a drop-off in player numbers in the past few weeks.

I checked a few third-party tools, including Game-Monitor, which shows accurate, up to date information on the TPU server. Other tools show it as well. I added a Game-Monitor block to this site as well, which you can see to the right.

On my own game machine, the BF1942 in-game browser doesn't show the TPU server, but I'm not sure that's a useful test, since I'm on the same LAN as the server and subject to the same router port forwarding rules.

I would appreciate feedback from anyone who uses TPU or has tried to use it: does the TPU server appear in your in-game server browser? Let me know either way, by adding a comment here, posting to the related thread in the discussion forums, or by sending email to me directly:

Send email to Jeff