
material2 <material id>

The materia2l property sets the splash damage ID of a an object. This ID is used when objects collide with each other such as projeciles. Material2 is used within the projectiles radius with a falloff.


In this example the material is 216, this refers to a material defined in the damage_system folder in the game.rfa. Each material defines how much damge it does to other materials.

If you see material2, this refers to splash damage. Material is direct damage.

ObjectTemplate.create Projectile rocket
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript ..\..\Common\Sounds/projectile.ssc
ObjectTemplate.geometry tracklight_m1
ObjectTemplate.timeToLive CRD_NONE/1/0/0
ObjectTemplate.endEffectTemplate e_RichoSand
ObjectTemplate.hasCollisionPhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.gravityModifier 0.0
ObjectTemplate.hasStartEffect 0
ObjectTemplate.hasCollisionEffect 1
ObjectTemplate.hasOnTimeEffect 0
ObjectTemplate.invisibleAtEndEffect 1
ObjectTemplate.dieAfterColl 1
ObjectTemplate.stopAtEndEffect 1
ObjectTemplate.invisible 0
ObjectTemplate.material 751
ObjectTemplate.material2 752
ObjectTemplate.radius 5

Valid object types
