
loadSoundScript <sound script name>

loadSoundScript allows you to set which sound script to use for that object.


ObjectTemplate.create Projectile sg44Projectile
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript ..\..\Common\Sounds/projectile.ssc
ObjectTemplate.geometry tracklight_m1
ObjectTemplate.timeToLive CRD_NONE/1/0/0
ObjectTemplate.endEffectTemplate e_RichoSand
ObjectTemplate.hasCollisionPhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.gravityModifier 0.0
ObjectTemplate.hasStartEffect 0
ObjectTemplate.hasCollisionEffect 1
ObjectTemplate.hasOnTimeEffect 0
ObjectTemplate.invisibleAtEndEffect 1
ObjectTemplate.dieAfterColl 1
ObjectTemplate.stopAtEndEffect 1
ObjectTemplate.invisible 0
ObjectTemplate.material 216

Valid object types

PlayerControlObject - Object that can be taken over and occupied by players (vehicles and stationary weapons).
RotationalBundle - Object that can pivot based on user input
Engine - Object that can generate thrust
SimpleObject - Basic 1 part object with no children
SonarObject - Object used for creating "radar" effect in mini-maps
Wing - Object that can generate lift for planes and steering for ships
SupplyDepot - Object used for repairing, healing, and rearming vehicles and soldiers.