
Geometry allow a specific 3d mesh to be picked. You can add geometry that will show up in the game to many types. However the geometry name must be defined in a geometries.con file first in order to point to a specific file.


Here the LCVP ramp is pointing to use a Lcvp_ramp_M1 geometry. The actual file of that geometry is located in the geometries.con file as


GeometryTemplate.create StandardMesh Lcvp_ramp_M1
GeometryTemplate.file Lcvp_ramp_M1 -- if no path is given, it will get it from the root of the standardMesh.rfa
GeometryTemplate.setLodDistance 0 0
GeometryTemplate.setLodDistance 1 25
GeometryTemplate.setLodDistance 2 50
GeometryTemplate.setLodDistance 3 75
GeometryTemplate.setLodDistance 4 100
GeometryTemplate.setLodDistance 5 200


rem *** Lcvp_Ramp ***
ObjectTemplate.create RotationalBundle Lcvp_Ramp
ObjectTemplate.setNetworkableInfo LcvpWingInfo
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript Sounds/Lcvp_Ramp.ssc
ObjectTemplate.geometry Lcvp_ramp_M1
ObjectTemplate.setMaxRotation 0/90/0
ObjectTemplate.setMaxSpeed 0/45/0
ObjectTemplate.setAcceleration 0/30/0
ObjectTemplate.hasCollisionPhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.setInputToPitch c_PIPitch

Valid object types

PlayerControlObject - Object that can be taken over and occupied by players (vehicles and stationary weapons).
RotationalBundle - Object that can pivot based on user input
Engine - Object that can generate thrust
SimpleObject - Basic 1 part object with no children
Wing - Object that can generate lift for planes and steering for ships
Spring - "Wheel" like object used for generating thrust over the landscape