
endEffectTemplate <effect name>

The endEffectTemplate allow you to set what effet to use at the end of the objects life.


In this example, the projectile will turn into a sand hit effect after 1 second (just an example, not practical in this case.) Effects are located in the Effects folder in objects.rfa.

ObjectTemplate.create Projectile sg44Projectile
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript ..\..\Common\Sounds/projectile.ssc
ObjectTemplate.geometry tracklight_m1
ObjectTemplate.timeToLive CRD_NONE/1/0/0
ObjectTemplate.endEffectTemplate e_RichoSand
ObjectTemplate.hasCollisionPhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.gravityModifier 0.0
ObjectTemplate.hasStartEffect 0
ObjectTemplate.hasCollisionEffect 1
ObjectTemplate.hasOnTimeEffect 0
ObjectTemplate.invisibleAtEndEffect 1
ObjectTemplate.dieAfterColl 1
ObjectTemplate.stopAtEndEffect 1
ObjectTemplate.invisible 0
ObjectTemplate.material 216

Valid object types
