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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Wednesday, November 16 2011 @ 05:12 AM PST  


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All great feedback - thanks.

To answer the question about EOD on TPU: it's next on the list for me to set up.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Wednesday, November 16 2011 @ 08:38 AM PST  


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Location:Between a rock and a hard place
It's hard to describe the M203/Desert vehicle crash so I'll just explain how to recreate it and see for yourself.
1.: Create a local server - conquest or coop doesn't matter which one - and start up Gulf of Oman 64 (I'm sure you can find this on other maps too this is just an example) (No I haven't tried this online I don't want to crash the server).
2.: Be on the U.S. side and spawn at the River Fortification flag.
3.: You'll find this vehicle there the 1st position is the driver, the 2nd the machinegunner on the top and the 3rd is the one in the right seat (other side in this pic) using the M249 SAW. However this is a pic from vanilla; in HJ you will find this instead of the M249 SAW.: an M16 with an M203 (grenade launcher attachment).
4.: Enter the vehicle.
5.: Enter the third position (F3 by default). Not-a-bot gets a CTD at this point, I don't (yet; read on).
6.: If you haven't crashed yet fire the M16/M203. Voila now you (same as me) get a CTD Wink !

Quote by: Jeff Rivett (site admin)

Meanwhile the other problems is that when the server crashes, it throws up a crash dialog that has to be acknowledged before the server can auto-restart.

I've been looking for a patch for this...haven't found one yet.

P.S.: Sorry if the pictures are too big I didn't want to size them down too much so they can be clear. Also CTD means Crash To Desktop if anyone doesn't know.
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Thursday, November 17 2011 @ 07:03 AM PST  


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Quote by: Cilens

It's hard to describe the M203/Desert vehicle crash so I'll just explain how to recreate it and see for yourself.

Confirmed: my client crashes when I fire the M203 from the third position in that vehicle. Thanks for the instructions. I'm going to look at the HJ data for that vehicle.

UPDATE: it does the same thing when I join the TPU BF2 server and fire the M203 from that third position. The server doesn't crash; just the client.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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*GP* not-a-bot
 Thursday, November 17 2011 @ 12:07 PM PST  


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Talk about a booby trap!
I guess I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has problems with that vehicle.
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*GP* not-a-bot
 Saturday, November 19 2011 @ 03:47 AM PST  


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I am having an issue with the squads and was wondering if anyone else if having difficulty. When I join an existing squad I press the "page up" key to accept being the squad leader. It never seems to work. It seems the only way I can do it is to create a new squad. Kudos to Cilens for letting me know about the ability to "steal" bots from other squads.

On a side note, Cilens and I played several maps Friday and the server seemed pretty stable. Cilens had some freeze ups and lag on a couple of maps, but I think they were the 64-player maps. I did not have those issues. When we moved to a map that we knew would be okay (Wake Island) things got better for him. We did not encounter any server disconnections.
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Saturday, November 19 2011 @ 03:59 AM PST  


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Quote by: *GP* not-a-bot

When I join an existing squad I press the "page up" key to accept being the squad leader. It never seems to work.

Have you checked your settings? Options > Controls > Common Controls has that setting.

Quote by: *GP* not-a-bot

On a side note, Cilens and I played several maps Friday and the server seemed pretty stable. Cilens had some freeze ups and lag on a couple of maps, but I think they were the 64-player maps. I did not have those issues. When we moved to a map that we knew would be okay (Wake Island) things got better for him. We did not encounter any server disconnections.

Thanks for the report. It does seem to be running a bit better lately (i.e. less crashing). I'm currently trying to figure out why some of the maps are running at the small size (16). This has been happening since I did the clean reinstall of the BF2/HJ server software.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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*GP* not-a-bot
 Saturday, November 19 2011 @ 04:07 AM PST  


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I was wondering why some of the small size maps were running. I figured it was intentional. I was missing my aircraft!
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 Saturday, November 19 2011 @ 05:46 AM PST  


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Quote by: *GP* not-a-bot

Talk about a booby trap!
I guess I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has problems with that vehicle.

I have to give you credit; you gave me the hint about the problem.
Quote by: Jeff Rivett (site admin)

Quote by: *GP* not-a-bot

When I join an existing squad I press the "page up" key to accept being the squad leader. It never seems to work.

Have you checked your settings? Options > Controls > Common Controls has that setting.

Yes GP it does the same for me too. What happens exactly is when you join you get the "apply for squad leader" question as usual, then pressing Page up or Page down (by default) does respond to the question (it goes away after your reply), but it has no effect at all. Kind of like the link between the question and the effect is broken if you know what I mean (programming).
Quote by: *GP* not-a-bot

Kudos to Cilens for letting me know about the ability to "steal" bots from other squads.

Big Grin
Quote by: *GP* not-a-bot

On a side note, Cilens and I played several maps Friday and the server seemed pretty stable. Cilens had some freeze ups and lag on a couple of maps, but I think they were the 64-player maps. I did not have those issues. When we moved to a map that we knew would be okay (Wake Island) things got better for him. We did not encounter any server disconnections.

It's still the usual freezing from time to time but much more rare now. I think it's a serverside issue with some maps. BoB or Wake runs well (even though they are massive and detailed maps) but for example Desert Shield likes to freeze up.

I have heard questions about the laser designator ingame; many people don't know what an effective weapon it can be so I thought I'll explain:
First of all they look like binoculars in your menu but scroll over and right click (zoom) with them; you'll see that this is no ordinary binocular. Some helicopters also have it onboard. Either way you can use it with left click (fire). Anyone in vehicles (I doubt bots will care) that has laser guided weaponry will see it as a mark right where you pointed it. Now comes the question: They already have laiser guidance anyway so what's the point? Laiser guidance can only target manned non-aerial vehicles. But with the help of the laser designator you can pin-point anything for an airstrike; for example infantry (normally can't engage from the air due to your speed and no automatic anti-personnel weapons of course), a strongpoint, a base or an objective. For the ones in the vehicle: You can lock on the mark as you could lock on to a normal manned vehicle target.

I have found a very interesting mod called Omnicide; it's fully coop (doesn't even work without bots); you guys should give it a try it would be awesome to play it alongside you. Wink

Quote by: *GP* not-a-bot

I was missing my aircraft!

I took it for a round; had a small accident:

But then...
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 Wednesday, December 28 2011 @ 07:49 AM PST  


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Location:Between a rock and a hard place
The other day I found out unpleasantly but fortunately; that bots tend to avoid the M203/Desert vehicle, but when they do get in and fire it, it CTD's everyone on the server Surprised! (but not the server itself).

Freezing issues have been less on average, but some maps are near unplayable or ground all player-airforce due to it. Rolling Eyes
The worst has been Operation Clean Sweep in that matter where at some point my game would freeze up for 30 seconds mid-flight.

Also Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Wednesday, December 28 2011 @ 08:20 AM PST  


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Quote by: Cilens

The other day I found out unpleasantly but fortunately; that bots tend to avoid the M203/Desert vehicle, but when they do get in and fire it, it CTD's everyone on the server Surprised! (but not the server itself).

Interesting. I sure hope the HardJustice guys get off their asses and issue a patch.

Quote by: CilensFreezing issues have been less on average, but some maps are near unplayable or ground all player-airforce due to it. Rolling Eyes
The worst has been Operation Clean Sweep in that matter where at some point my game would freeze up for 30 seconds mid-flight.

Wow. I don't have that problem at all, which means one of two thing, I think: either your hardware is reaching some kind of limit on that map, or it's a network thing, since the pipe between my client and the server is a lot bigger than the pipe between your client and the server.

Any time you're in that situation, feel free to switch away from that map.

Keep the feedback coming; it all helps.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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