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 Friday, November 04 2011 @ 09:14 PM PDT (Read 2327 times)  

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I am putting together a video trailer that represents TPU showing it's wildest, craziest, favorite maps and mods from 42, BG and the Racetrack. I have been recording footage through X-fire but they are glitchy. If anyone has any footage of game play that would fit this video, please let me know. I'd love to use them. The video will have music and have the craziest modded maps from BF,BG and regular maps from all other mods. By doing this, hopefully players who have not heard of those mods like 1918 and would want to join in and see what TPU is all about. When I'm done I will post them on X-fire and link it on Facebook.
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Saturday, November 05 2011 @ 05:19 AM PDT  


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You can use anything I've posted on XFire. If you want something specific, let me know and I'll try to record it.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Saturday, November 05 2011 @ 04:13 PM PDT  

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What would be nice: Maps that have been really tricked out like BG Mid-way, showing all the goodies like all the ships and tanks, in battle of course and when many players are on. That is exactly what I'm looking for from all super tweaked out maps. This sunday I am hoping to get some awesome battles recorded.
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 Saturday, November 05 2011 @ 07:49 PM PDT  

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Dark, if you and TM can spare any of the best flying videos would be awesome. The wildest would be nice.
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