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 Wednesday, October 12 2011 @ 10:28 PM PDT (Read 7226 times)  

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Forgotten Hope - Well we have only been playing this mod on a hand full of wild card day's. FH indeed has it's pros and cons, one of the experience I will say is a good thing and also a bad thing is the difficulty of the game. When you sit back and add all the extra things you got to do, you would agree it is the most intense mod of them all-even over BG42. How so? In most maps,you want to parachute down you must get a pilots gear before or you will just jump to your death, the AI does not play around here,where our team bots would just drive in circles and they are not much help and that is annoying. BG is not that hard to FH (in terms of the extras you have to do) and BG is way more fun. The AI will pick you off from far a way leaving you dead. The big planes are hard to fly and the AI seem to be perfect aces, the interface of tanks can get annoying too. With BG you have the bots on your team "some what" help "in most maps". But from the ammo,med kits and wrenches in FH are a joke and for some reason the AI will know where you are at,as if they have radar and when they are on you, you have no chance. I see why they never finished FH now and to me I think the way they left it would attract people more to BF2. I have played a lot of mods and yes I like FH but not that much and I play 1918 off line sometimes and find that mod very fun. FH also seem to crash a lot and thats also annoying because most of the time when it crashes, you would have a good battle going and be winning then boom...crash! I am not knocking FH that bad but the goal is to have fun and FH can get anyones blood pressure up! Some of the good things I like is the realism of maps and other what nots but I would still say BG is better in that department too. Now it comes down to one of the all time cons of it, we advertise about all the mods and let players know that jdgaming has them ready for download, I am not judging here but a lot of players even the newer ones would not play this if they had it" to hard for them" I have been in game a lot and 99% of all new players like the simple. I love BG,DC,DR map pack and 1918 and Jeff I am stoked you said it maybe on the next wild card day. This mod is was fun and I think players would love this mod even the newer ones. All in all this is my own thought and could I get everyone else thoughts on this? Is FH more trouble than its worth with the extras and all the crashes?
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Thursday, October 13 2011 @ 07:35 AM PDT  


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I wanted to try FH on wildcard days just to see how it worked and how much fun it was. I agree with most of what Sisko says, although I don't find it all that annoying that the bots are so good. Well, at least they're good at flying, spotting and aiming; not so good at driving.

Anyway, the main problem for me is the amount of server crashing that happens with FH. As frustrating as it is as a player, it's much worse for a conscientious server admin. A certain amount of server crashing is inevitable with the BF1942 dedicated server, which is no longer being maintained by the developers, but FH crashes on almost every map, sometimes repeatedly.

So, while FH is interesting and I'd love to keep trying it, I'm going to put it on the back burner and start working on setting up BF1918 on TPU. Anyone who doesn't have it should get ready. I'll be posting links to the downloads on jdrgaming.com shortly.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Saturday, October 15 2011 @ 08:21 AM PDT  

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I came across a mod that is very fun and was just wondering if 'later down the road" be in a wild card day? (eve of destruction)? I have been playing this for about a week and it is not boring.
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Saturday, October 15 2011 @ 09:21 AM PDT  


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Okay, I've added EOD to the list for a possible wildcard day.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Monday, October 17 2011 @ 04:01 PM PDT  

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Thanks for putting it on the list of possibilities. This mod is way more interesting than DC Final and more fun. Reason? Well the spawn rates maybe stock,but there plenty of vehicles to choose from and unlike DC Final,there are more types of helos to fly-from the huey to the twin blade Chinook transport chopper. More jets to fly, like the mig and you can even fly the Stratofortress B52! The maps are way cooler then DC and I can keep on naming reasons. But one thing I do like is the control for helos,they actually hover with out crashing unlike DC. If the attendance of DC is low, EOD would bring more players in. But anyways thanks again for considering it for the future.
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 Tuesday, October 18 2011 @ 03:12 PM PDT  


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iv played EOD its got alot of detail, lots of fun stuff to drive, buts got a huge download, 5 if i remember right. me and mojo played around with this one back in the day, but we both agreed, regular battlefield 1942 is always the best, maybe bg42 is better but as far as the smothest mod, original is always the winner.... ill throw a vote out for EOD, for sure
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 Tuesday, October 18 2011 @ 04:18 PM PDT  

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Yeah BG42 is the best mod of them all no doubt. Actually, to me, BG is far superior to BF in every way. But after playing EOD for almost two weeks in,puts it in 3rd place of all mods, BG,BF and EOD but this is just my own feelings on it . With that,I don't see myself playing DC any longer,well besides tuesdays and if TPU drops DC I would more or less never play DC. EOD has way to much more to offer and DC is boring. But yes it has a massive download but well worth it. You know what's funny? TPU is becoming a history book lol. 1918,BF42 &DC and if TPU goes ahead with EOD it would mean TPU would had hosted every war of the century and that is cool,never heard of a server that did that before.
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 Saturday, October 22 2011 @ 07:56 AM PDT  

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I have a idea that may not sound practical but here it goes. Being that TPU have been running more mods lately and I like them all ( FH) only one issue ,the crashing. But what if wild card day was in a 12 hour rotation for a mod,having two mods running on the wild card day? What I mean is, lets say first 12 hours be 1918 then FH or any other matter and lets say the rotation would change each week" if 1918 was the first in rotation at midnight,than that next wild card day 1918 would start at 12 PM". That way players can be able to see what would they would want most,then maybe more voting would come in off that. Or lets say on DC Final days,DC would run at 12pm till midnight because most players that come in on DC, I would see them from 12pm till 12am. So what if DRmap pack,FH or any mod start at 12a.m till noon? Because if players are playing DC Final from 12pm till 12 and players that doesn't have or like that mod would have another mod so no conflict between DC final and when they wanted to play BF,FH etc.. Well it was just a thought,to be able tend to players. Well as I said,it may not be a good idea,but thought I would get pass it along.
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Saturday, October 22 2011 @ 08:08 AM PDT  


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Sisko, those kinds of things are definitely possible. Wildcard day in particular should be a day for experimentation. Many possibilities for combining mods are handled by the BFSM scheduler no problem. With one exception: I have to change the announcement file for DR day using a separate scheduler. But that's not a huge problem.

The difficulty in this is knowing exactly what to try. I suppose we could look at the number of players at various times and try to come up with something that would work better, but it's difficult to know for sure. Still, I think it's a good idea for the regular players to pay attention to (and ideally keep track of) the days and times that seem to be more popular for the different mods.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Wednesday, November 02 2011 @ 09:46 AM PDT  


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It is really too bad FH coop has so many issues. I guess that's why public servers only run conquest maps.
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