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 Sunday, October 02 2011 @ 01:55 AM PDT  

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Say would this apply to the regular rotation too,or just ctf? If so that would be great because some maps can just drag on and on but most maps that are played are more or less last just shy under a hour anyway. But wake and tobruk can just go on and on.
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Sunday, October 02 2011 @ 04:32 AM PDT  


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Quote by: [TPU]Sisko

would this apply to the regular rotation too,or just ctf? If so that would be great because some maps can just drag on and on but most maps that are played are more or less last just shy under a hour anyway. But wake and tobruk can just go on and on.

I'm not sure about that. The current ticket numbers were set by the modders (mainly DarkRyda) after a lot of playtesting. We would need to get input from DR and Mojo before making any changes like that. I think I might prefer to drop the ticket count a bit in those maps (Wake and Tobruk) that seem to go on too long.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Sunday, October 02 2011 @ 07:02 AM PDT  


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i agree and i been meaning to go back and fix them, but i keep getting caught up in other maps and request's. let me tweek the cature the flag maps, and then see what needs to be tweeked
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Sunday, October 02 2011 @ 07:26 AM PDT  


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Quote by: [TPU]Darkryda

i agree and i been meaning to go back and fix them, but i keep getting caught up in other maps and request's. let me tweek the cature the flag maps, and then see what needs to be tweeked

Sounds good to me.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Thursday, October 06 2011 @ 06:31 AM PDT  

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Hey DR, say I was wondering once everything is up and running and when you do go back and touch up wake. Well I have a question for you or Jeff. Being that Iwo Jima has the big ships like Yamoto, is there a template for the them for wake? If so,would it work for wake and would it be more trouble than its worth?
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 Thursday, October 06 2011 @ 03:19 PM PDT  


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me and mojo have a version of wake with battleships and at last i can remember it worked, but i got all caught up in the bg42 and it was put on the back of the list, iv already send mojo word that we need to get together and do testiing again. i only have 3 more months of work left, after that i will have all kinds of time to work on thing, and on a positive note, i got a nice list of maps to do (dc,fh, ctf, map fixes) the last 2 years it just been the stuff me and mojo would think up, but now that more people have started coming into tpu, way more ideas are going around, so it should be fun
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 Tuesday, October 11 2011 @ 06:11 PM PDT  

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Hey I was wanting to run something by you. Dark would you think having "Pearl Harbor" added to your map pack be a blast for the next time your day is up? It's a conquest map. I down loaded it weeks ago and never tried it out,until now. Anyway was just a thought.
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