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 Thursday, September 29 2011 @ 02:14 AM PDT (Read 7682 times)  

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Well I would like to admit that I really enjoyed DarkRyda's wild card day today and it turned out better than even I thought. I was with a lot of players that just could not get enough of The_Race_Track! But what I like also that was a hit and was so much fun was ctf. I have played ctf on other servers in the past and never had this much fun and I am not alone in this. I was also able to play on some awesome maps that I never seen tricked out before. I was in El_Rajhi_Pass and wow and when I found the planes and b17,my chin dropped and as I was playing this map, a thought came to mind. To me I wish we could change the name of this map to ( Ryda's Canyon). Well to get back to this, I was wondering if we could do a vote to have a DarkRyda ctf day each week if not for the whole day then maybe for a six hour slot from 6pm till midnight? TPU can benefit from this,how? Well we had some new players come in for the ctf and think about this, when players would come in that normally would get in a ctf server,find TPU,find out who and what TPU is about,come back in a normal rotation and stay and may even bring friends. And thus TPU grows even more. I will tell you this, I was very shocked when each player on both sides was just having a good time with no harsh feelings when they got killed and that goes back to what I said before. Truth is, TPU is the real deal and word is getting out and players are getting tired of these servers that in my book are a bunch of BS. So what do they do? Try TPU and stay. Jeff, I would love to have your thoughts on this because I know this is a very drastic change for TPU and even though it may seem a little premature now ( because not enough air time for DR ctf yet) But I had a blast running after DR in ctf and I know if this goes through he will spice up the maps,mainly needed is spawn rates up. But yes more air time to get more players new and old to have a thought on it. Cool
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Thursday, September 29 2011 @ 05:49 AM PDT  


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I have no problem with that if it's what people want and if the spirit of TPU is still about having friendly fun as opposed to the more typical experience of other servers (all PvP with idiots and taunting, griefing, name-calling, revenge cycles, cheating, camping, and so on.) I wasn't able to play much on DR day except early in the morning on the Race Track (which was cool) but I did monitor the chat during some of the CTF and it sure looked like you folks were having fun. We should certainly do that again some time. But we could also make it a regular thing. I'll set up a vote, but first we need to agree on what we're voting for. An all-CTF day with DarkRyda map selections including Race Track? Or something slightly different?

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Thursday, September 29 2011 @ 01:52 PM PDT  

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I like the idea of having ctf with DarkRydas maps and also have the race track in the loop too. The race track to me is one big playground that makes you feel as if you are in a dream and also it is the best map to do a TPU flying challenge for BF42 (how many servers would have this map tricked out as it is,zero) " be cool if we had a flying challenge for BG42 too" It's to bad the racetrack is not set up for coop and even if it was the bots would just set there anyway and not move lol. Say? What if the race track was in the normal rotation? Just as fun map not to kill? And if many don't like the map when they come income in, all they have to do is just vote for another map as they do anyways? The main rule would be no tking unless players agree on the old hide and seek play. Well in any case,it would be fun and as I said before,when you play PvP your skills will improve,for bots run on a AI program and humans are harder to catch and thus you learn new ways to play better when your back in coop. Idea
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 Thursday, September 29 2011 @ 03:59 PM PDT  


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DarkRyda DarkRyda DarkRyda DarkRyda
lol i keep seeing my name.
ok first i must say, since i work weekdays i was only able to come in at the end, i had no idea if anyone had been playing tpu all day. and at first it was on the race track and noone was in there, i noticed when i tried to vote it away from that map it showed a list of FF maps. so i just played it alone. was thinking nobody had come in all day, and it was locked on the race track, lol but then i noticed a flag had been takin so someone had been in there. then nitro and not a bot came in and it was on!!! after a while nitro noticed the map vote screen only showed FF maps and voted for coral sea.... and it changed over to FF, but this was my day so i went in and changed the map to karkov CTF, and dude that was the coolest thing i ever did, all kinds of people started coming in and it was war!!! another thing i noticed was after i reset the server to karkov the map vote screen showed the list i had originally made up so it appears i fixed that.
also in the ctf mode it didnt have any limits set, there was no time limit or flag limit, thus it went on forever, which was cool, but in the end it wouldnt have changed unless we voted.
these are the things i noticed yesterday, im happy to hear the race track was a hit, wish i was there. but i do agree the CTF was off the hook!!! i will start on working on them, im gonna set them up like the coop maps are set up, so all the added guns will be in berlin, stalingrad and my god karkov is great so im doing that one first, damn plane whores were raping me

opps i posted this on the front page too, sorry meant to post it here
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 Thursday, September 29 2011 @ 04:36 PM PDT  


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oh ya, only the race track and urban classic were created from scratch, the other 4 coop maps are maps me and mojo found online, spiced them up by adding all kinds of things, for instance the canyon pass was only a canyon when we found it, we cut into the canyon walls and added the airfields and that bridge at the top, pretty much everything we added there the bots are not programmed to know, lol they never go to the planes nor care about anything up top of the map. same thing for carribean inferno, it had many bugs, some places had invisible walls we had to remove so it would be cool to play, and of course we increased spawn points to all maps

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 Thursday, September 29 2011 @ 05:22 PM PDT  

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I have a request for a ride in Kharkov. Harley's w'side car? If that is a SW vehicle only than I would like to request a few m10s in good key spots and aa or brownings. But when I was in game I didn't have any FH maps that was in the map list,this was before the nitro FH coral sea glitch. However the regular coral sea would crash the server but its been removed by Jeff. Mr. Green
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Friday, September 30 2011 @ 09:56 AM PDT  


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Thanks for all the feedback. It was fun to play on the RaceTrack early in the morning and I got some good video (posted on XFire). I'll tweak the settings as much as possible for the next DR day so that there are some limits on CTF. Also I think I know what happened with the map vote only showing FH maps, so I think I'll have that fixed for next time. If Ryda adds some spawns that will also be cool.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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 Friday, September 30 2011 @ 03:12 PM PDT  


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for karkov in bf1942, they have no motorcycles, so we cant do that. and i checked the files there isnt any "spare" templates that can be used to add anymore tanks, so im sorry there. but im sure in bg42 motor cycles could be used in the ctf, if it has ctf.
and i have another idea, the maps in the darkryda map pack could be added to the regular rotaion but at the bottom of the map list somewhere, that way they could be played anytime as coop maps during the 3 days regular bf1942 is played. and then on the wild card days it could just be ctf/conquest or whatever. that way things arent soclumped together, my orginal wild card list had coop maps, conquest maps, ctf maps and played 3 different mods, kinda bounced around pretty good. this way all coop maps are played together from the same mod and the server isnt bouncing around from different mods and different modes. my idea behind that list last wednesday was to change it up yes, but more importantly (to me and mojo) was to get 1 or 2 of the new maps played and people wanting to play them again. i think when the demand calls for them new maps then at that point they can be added to regular rotation. right now "everyone" doesnt have them, they have been seen and many people tried to get into the race track but obviously didnt have the map yet. those people may not know we have a web site cause they never play coop, but when they seen a server playing something with a cool name they wanted to check it out, if they come back and find out how to get it, and actually do get it, then that means the 1 day of advertizement worked!!!
as it sits right now i dont believe any big changes need to happen, but more wild card days teasing these new maps sounds like a good idea, dont need to add them to the rotaion yet till its clear many people do have these maps.
the CTF idea, i love it, and i can mod up all the maps pretty fast, im almost sure i can make all the CTF maps have the same coop set ups that are played on tpu right now, everyone can get a tank or plane. iv already done karkove it is exactly like the coop set up, and with all the fun that was going on with just a default set up i think its gonna rock and roll, and many of those guns that are never used will start to come into play. same thing for berlin, im gonna do it next, but i noticed in stalingrad ill have to add some tanks to the allied base as ctf isnt layed out the same. the allied flag is to the far left of the map instead of the bottom, the axis would have all kinds of tanks and the allies would be on foot, lol, or should i do it with no tanks and just machine guns? i dont know about that one yet, ill let that idea fester around for a while
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 Friday, September 30 2011 @ 04:13 PM PDT  

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I really like your idea and you got my vote! I will also be doing more on my part of in game advertising in regards to your maps. Yeah I kinda figured the motorcycles was a no but wanted to ask anyways. As for stalingrad I think the playing field should be even on both sides,so both have the same or none. But on foot and just have some cars and maybe a few wespe on both sides and yes brownings around and aa's also would be nice Dark. Smile
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Jeff Rivett (site admin)
 Saturday, October 01 2011 @ 02:25 PM PDT  


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I've been looking at the server settings for DarkRyda days, trying to add some limits for CTF so the maps don't go on forever. The trouble is, any change I make will affect all of the maps, and it's a mixed bag of modes, not just CTF.

The two settings that are most likely to be useful here are:

Changing game.serverScoreLimit is tricky. Setting a score limit that works in CTF will probably mess up the other modes.

How about if I change game.serverGameTime from zero (no limit) to 60 minutes? That way no matter what else happens, we'll go to the next map after an hour.

-- Jeff (boot13)
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