
This Object is used to create an animated bundle such as a tank track.

AnimatedBundle <name>


rem *** M-1974_TrackL ***
ObjectTemplate.create AnimatedBundle M-1974_TrackL
ObjectTemplate.geometry M-1974_TrackL_M1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.createSkeleton animations/M1974_TrackL.ske
ObjectTemplate.setAnimatedTextureSpeed -0.008/0
rem -------------------------------------
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate M-1974WheelL1
ObjectTemplate.setPosition -0.949/0.65/-2.9

In this example a Tank Track is defined and an AnimatedTexture speed is setup to make the UV coords of the tank tread move based on the positionial speed of the track.

Another example of an animated bundle is the waving flag.

ObjectTemplate.create AnimatedBundle AnimatedGeFlag
ObjectTemplate.geometry flagge_m1
ObjectTemplate.createSkeleton animations/flag.ske
ObjectTemplate.setAnimationState FlagBlow
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript Sounds/flag.ssc


Valid Properties for this Object
