
Animated Texture Speed allows users to set the speed of UV coordinates based on an objects postiion. For example, this can be used to move the UV coordinates of a Tank Tread to make it look like it's moving based on the speed of the track.

setAnimatedTextureSpeed <U coord speed> / <V coord speed>


rem *** M-1974_TrackL ***
ObjectTemplate.create AnimatedBundle M-1974_TrackL
ObjectTemplate.geometry M-1974_TrackL_M1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.createSkeleton animations/M-1974TrackL.ske
ObjectTemplate.setAnimatedTextureSpeed -0.008/0
rem -------------------------------------
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate M-1974WheelL1
ObjectTemplate.setPosition -0.949/0.65/-2.9
rem ObjectTemplate.setPosition -0.885/0.65/-2.9

Valid object types
