ForceOnExplosion Property

   ObjectTemplate.ForceOnExplosion number

Argument values:

argument 1:    range is 0 to 50; most commonly 15

Description: There are a few things that blow up, specifically: exppacks, grenades, bazooka shells, landmines, katyusha rockets, flak gun shells, and depth charges. This value is the force that these explosives cause to push enemies around. The Material of an explosive is what causes actual damage (see the Damage Tutorial).

Typical values: 50 for exppacks, 30 for landmines, 15 for katyushas, 10 for grenades, 2 for bazookas, 1 for flak. So exppacks are much better than bazookas for launching people into the air.

Related properties: DamageType

Used in object types (and how often in each type): ClusterProjectile (100%), HandFireArms (4%), Projectile (23%)

Used in a total of 40 .con files: Objects.con, Projectile.con, Weapons.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, objects/HandWeapons

Example: (from objects/HandWeapons/Landmine/Objects.con)
   ObjectTemplate.Create Projectile LandmineProjectile
   ObjectTemplate.NetworkableInfo ProjectileInfo
   ObjectTemplate.Geometry Landmine
   ObjectTemplate.HasDynamicShadow 1
   ObjectTemplate.SetHasMobilePhysics 1
   ObjectTemplate.SetHasCollisionPhysics 1
   ObjectTemplate.SetHasResponsePhysics 1
   ObjectTemplate.SetHasPointPhysics 0
   ObjectTemplate.HasCollisionEffect 0
   ObjectTemplate.InvisibleAtEndEffect 1
   rem *** Landmines explodes after 120 seconds, if not detonated by hand first.
   ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive CRD_NONE/360/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.DieAfterColl 0
   ObjectTemplate.Radius 4
   ObjectTemplate.ForceOnExplosion 30
   ObjectTemplate.ExplodeNearEnemyDistance 3
   ObjectTemplate.HasOnTimeEffect 1
   ObjectTemplate.Mass 130
   ObjectTemplate.Material 230
   ObjectTemplate.Material2 232
   ObjectTemplate.DamageType 4
   ObjectTemplate.EndEffectTemplate e_ExplGranade
   ObjectTemplate.NoFFSound 1
   ObjectTemplate.AddToProjectileList 1
   ObjectTemplate.ProjectileType 1

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