Material2 Property

   ObjectTemplate.Material2 number

Argument values:

argument 1:    range is -1 to 248; most commonly -1

Description: This property is used specifically for explosives. When an explosive object blows up, it attacks the surrounding objects (within its Radius) using this material as an attack material. If this property is -1, it means the weapon has no splash damage effect. See the Damage Tutorial for details.

Related properties: Material, Radius

Used in object types (and how often in each type): Projectile (69%)

Used in a total of 96 .con files: Objects.con, Projectile.con, Weapons.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, objects/HandWeapons, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from objects/Vehicles/Air/Spitfire/Weapons.con)
   rem *** SpitfireProjectile ***
   ObjectTemplate.Create Projectile SpitfireProjectile
   ObjectTemplate.CreateNotInGrid 1
   ObjectTemplate.LoadSoundScript ../../../Common/Sounds/Projectile.ssc
   rem ObjectTemplate.geometry tracklight_m1
   ObjectTemplate.HasMobilePhysics 1
   ObjectTemplate.HasCollisionPhysics 1
   ObjectTemplate.HasResponsePhysics 1
   ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive CRD_NONE/1.5/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.GravityModifier 0
   ObjectTemplate.Material 213
   ObjectTemplate.Material2 -1
   ObjectTemplate.StopAtEndEffect 1
   ObjectTemplate.HasCollisionEffect 1

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