AddSkeletonIK Property

   ObjectTemplate.AddSkeletonIK string x/y/z x/y/z

Argument values:

argument 1:    Bip01_L_Foot, Bip01_L_Hand, Bip01_R_Foot, Bip01_R_Hand
argument 2:    -0.033/0.573/-0.174, -0.05/0.0/-0.95, -0.05/0.04/0.02, -0.05/0.10/-0.18, -0.08/0/0.06, -0.12/0.035/-0.45, -0.12/0.08/-0.68, -0.15/0.6/0.5, -0.2/-0.06/-0.25, -0.2/0.08/1, -0.20/-0.20/-0.90, -0.22/0.1/0, ...
argument 3:    -30/80/90, -30/90/90, -80/-60/50, -80/-90/0, -80/60/50, -80/90/0, -90/-20/180, -90/180/0, -90/90/0, 0/-160/-20, 0/0/-180, 0/0/-90, 0/0/0, 0/0/150, 0/180/-20, 0/180/0, 0/180/90, 0/80/90, 0/90/90, 180/0/180, ...

Description: IK is short for "Inverse Kinematics", in which the movement of one object affects the movements of other objects. This property is used in the APCs and other vehicles, AA emplacements, etc. It makes the soldier hold onto the gun or steering wheel as it moves. The object's movement affects not only the hands, but in turn hands will pull the arms and torso along.

Used in object types (and how often in each type): AnimatedBundle (25%), FireArms (11%)

Used in a total of 58 .con files: Objects.con, Weapons.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, objects/Stationary_Weapons, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from objects/Stationary_Weapons/Browning_unlimited/Objects.con)
   ObjectTemplate.Create FireArms Browning_unlimited
   ObjectTemplate.SaveInSeparateFile 1
   ObjectTemplate.Geometry RiBro_Body_m1
   ObjectTemplate.AiTemplate BrowningUnlimited
   ObjectTemplate.ProjectileTemplate Browning_Projectile
   ObjectTemplate.SetTracerTemplate Tracer_Projectile CRD_NONE/2/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.ProjectilePosition 0/0/2
   ObjectTemplate.MagSize -1
   ObjectTemplate.NumOfMag 999
   ObjectTemplate.MagType 0
   ObjectTemplate.Reloadtime 0.1
   ObjectTemplate.RecoilSpeed 50.0
   ObjectTemplate.RoundOfFire 10
   ObjectTemplate.AutoReload 1
   ObjectTemplate.AddDevFire 0
   ObjectTemplate.SetFireCameraShakeAnimationState FireMachineGunShake
   Rem *** Deviation Begin *****
   ObjectTemplate.Velocity 1000
   ObjectTemplate.SetFireDev 0.7 0.3 0.048
   ObjectTemplate.SetMinDev 0.5
   Rem *** Deviation End *****
   ObjectTemplate.FireInCameraDof 1
   ObjectTemplate.HeatAddWhenFire 0.04
   ObjectTemplate.CoolDownPerSec 0.4
   ObjectTemplate.TimeDelayOnOverHeat 2
   ObjectTemplate.AddSkeletonIK Bip01_R_Hand 0.12/0.08/-0.68 -30/80/90
   ObjectTemplate.AddSkeletonIK Bip01_L_Hand -0.12/0.08/-0.68 30/-100/-90
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate e_MuzzHeavy
   ObjectTemplate.Startoneffects 1
   ObjectTemplate.SetPosition 0/0.1/0.8
   ObjectTemplate.SetRotation 0/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate e_Shell1250mm
   ObjectTemplate.Startoneffects 1
   ObjectTemplate.SetPosition 0/0.12/0.16
   ObjectTemplate.SetRotation 0/0/0
   rem *** Sound Browning ***
   ObjectTemplate.LoadSoundScript Sounds/Browning.ssc

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