
setNetworkableInfo <network id name>

Set the name of the network id for this object. Once set, other players will be able to see the object moving, rotating, etc.. over the network.

ObjectTemplate.create RotationalBundle TigerTower
ObjectTemplate.setNetworkableInfo TigerTurretInfo
ObjectTemplate.setAttachToListener 1
ObjectTemplate.loadSoundScript Sounds/tigertower.ssc
ObjectTemplate.geometry Tiger_Tow_M1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.hasResponsePhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.hasCollisionPhysics 1

Valid object types

PlayerControlObject - Object that can be taken over and occupied by players (vehicles and stationary weapons).
RotationalBundle - Object that can pivot based on user input
Engine - Object that can generate
Wing - Object that can generate lift for planes and steering for ships
Spring - "Wheel" like object used for generating thrust over the landscape