AnimationSpeedOverTime Property

   ObjectTemplate.AnimationSpeedOverTime time/x[|time/x...]

Argument values:

argument 1:    0/1, 0/1|100/0.200049; most commonly 0/1|100/0.200049

Description: This property determines how an effect's animation plays over time. It is typically set with two pairs of numbers separated by a "|". The first "time/speed" pair of numbers is the initial time (always 0) and the initial speed. The second pair always has a relative time of 100 and a final speed.

Related properties: AnimationSpeed, InitAnimationFrame, NumAnimationFrames, TimeToLive

Used in object types (and how often in each type): SpriteParticle (8%)

Used in a total of 44 .con files: Effects.con

Parent directory of these .con files: objects/Effects

Example: (from objects/Effects/e_MosquitoFire/effects.con)
   rem *** Fx_MosquitoFire ***
   ObjectTemplate.Create SpriteParticle Fx_MosquitoFire
   ObjectTemplate.TimeToLive CRD_UNIFORM/0.8/0.8/0
   ObjectTemplate.Size CRD_UNIFORM/0.4/0.5/0
   ObjectTemplate.GravityModifier CRD_UNIFORM/-0.2/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.SizeOverTime 0/1|100/1.79995
   ObjectTemplate.Texture e_FireEngine256
   ObjectTemplate.InitRotation CRD_NONE/0/180/0
   rem ObjectTemplate.srcBlendMode BMOne
   ObjectTemplate.DestBlendMode BMOne
   ObjectTemplate.RotationSpeed CRD_UNIFORM/10/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.XYSizeRatioOverTime 0/1|100/1
   ObjectTemplate.ColorRGBAOverTime 0/0/0/0/0|3/255/255/255/255|85/255/255/255/191|100/255/255/255/0
   ObjectTemplate.NumAnimationFrames 16
   ObjectTemplate.InitAnimationFrame CRD_NONE/1/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.AnimationSpeed CRD_NONE/95/100/0
   ObjectTemplate.AnimationSpeedOverTime 0/1|100/0.200049

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