Create Property

   WeaponTemplate.Create name

Argument values:

argument 1:    AA_BaseMainGun, AT25MainGun, AW52Bombs, AW52Rockets, AichiValBombs, AichiValMachineGun, Aichival-TBombs, Aichival-TMachineGun, B17Bombs, B17MachineGun, BF109Bombs, BF109MachineGun, BF110Bombs, BF110MachineGun, ...

Description: The Create command is used to inform the scripting engine that a new AI weapon template object is going to be created. All properties and commands following a create command will be applied to that object, until another create command or the end of the file is encountered.

Used in a total of 111 .con files: Aitemplates.con, Weapons.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, objects/Stationary_Weapons, objects/HandWeapons, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from objects/Vehicles/Air/AW52/Ai/Weapons.con)
   rem *** Weaponory ***
   rem * Rockets *
   WeaponTemplate.Create AW52Rockets
   WeaponTemplate.Burst 1
   WeaponTemplate.Indirect 0
   WeaponTemplate.MinRange 15.0
   WeaponTemplate.MaxRange 400.0
   WeaponTemplate.WeaponActivate PINone
   WeaponTemplate.WeaponFire PIFire
   WeaponTemplate.SetStrength Infantry 0.0
   WeaponTemplate.SetStrength LightArmour 11.0
   WeaponTemplate.SetStrength HeavyArmour 7.0
   WeaponTemplate.SetStrength NavalArmour 0.0
   WeaponTemplate.SetStrength Submarine 0.0
   WeaponTemplate.SetStrength Air 4.0

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