RememberExcessInput Property

   ObjectTemplate.RememberExcessInput boolean

Argument values:

argument 1:    1; most commonly 1

Description: Normally an object will stop at max/min rotation. If this property is set to 1 (true), it means a delay will occur when returning to the initial setting if the input exceeds the max/min rotation.

Related properties: SetAcceleration, SetAutomaticReset, SetInputToPitch, SetMaxRotation, SetMaxSpeed

Used in object types (and how often in each type): RotationalBundle (3%), Wing (18%)

Used in a total of 29 .con files: Objects.con, Physics.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from objects/Vehicles/Air/Stuka/Physics.con)
   rem *** StukaFlapTailLeft ***
   ObjectTemplate.Create Wing StukaFlapTailLeft
   ObjectTemplate.SetNetworkableInfo Stuka_wing_info
   ObjectTemplate.Geometry Stuka_Flap_Tail_Left_M1
   ObjectTemplate.SetMinRotation 0/-10/0
   ObjectTemplate.SetMaxRotation 0/20/0
   ObjectTemplate.SetMaxSpeed 0/60/0
   ObjectTemplate.SetAcceleration 0/-60/0
   ObjectTemplate.SetInputToPitch c_PIPitch
   ObjectTemplate.SetAutomaticReset 1
   ObjectTemplate.SetPositionOffset 0.5/0/0
   ObjectTemplate.RememberExcessInput 1
   ObjectTemplate.SetWingLift 0.5
   ObjectTemplate.SetFlapLift 0.5

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