RecoilSize Property

   ObjectTemplate.RecoilSize number

Argument values:

argument 1:    range is 0.4 to 50; most commonly 3

Description: For vehicle gun barrels, how far the weapon recoils back on each shot.

Typical values: 3 for flak, 3 to 14 for tanks, 50 for defgun.

Related properties: MagSize, NumOfMag, ProjectilePosition, ProjectileTemplate, RecoilSpeed, Reloadtime, RoundOfFire

Used in object types (and how often in each type): FireArms (25%)

Used in a total of 35 .con files: Weapons.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from objects/Vehicles/Land/Sexton/Weapons.con)
   rem *** SextonCannon ***
   ObjectTemplate.Create FireArms SextonCannon
   ObjectTemplate.SetNetworkableInfo TankFireArmInfo
   ObjectTemplate.LoadSoundScript Sounds/SextonCannon.ssc
   ObjectTemplate.Geometry Sexton_Barrel_M1
   ObjectTemplate.AiTemplate SextonMainGun
   rem -------------------------------------
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate e_MuzzSexton
   ObjectTemplate.SetPosition 0/0/0.5
   ObjectTemplate.SetRotation -179.999/0/0
   rem -------------------------------------
   ObjectTemplate.ProjectileTemplate SextonProjectile
   ObjectTemplate.ProjectilePosition 0/0/1
   ObjectTemplate.MagSize 30
   ObjectTemplate.NumOfMag 1
   ObjectTemplate.Velocity 100
   ObjectTemplate.AutoReload 1
   ObjectTemplate.Reloadtime 0.2
   ObjectTemplate.RoundOfFire 0.2
   ObjectTemplate.FireingForce 60
   ObjectTemplate.RecoilSpeed 20
   ObjectTemplate.RecoilSize 4.5

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