FireingForce Property

   ObjectTemplate.FireingForce number

Argument values:

argument 1:    range is 10 to 150; most commonly 90

Description: The FireingForce determines how much force is applied to the shell to resist gravity. The actual speed of the shell is determined by Velocity, and the effect of gravity can further be modified by the GravityModifier. It determines the arc of the projectile with relation to the muzzle velocity. A Sherman, for instance, has a firing force of 110, which "lobs" the shells, as opposed to a Panzer IV's firing force of 70, which has a much more level shot, given that the muzzle velocities are equal (100).

Values range from 10 for the Yamato and 30 for the Katyusha to 110 for the Sherman.

Related properties: AutoReload, MagSize, NumOfMag, ProjectilePosition, ProjectileTemplate, Reloadtime, RoundOfFire

Used in object types (and how often in each type): FireArms (22%)

Used in a total of 33 .con files: Weapons.con

Parent directories of these .con files: objects/Vehicles, Bf1942/Levels

Example: (from objects/Vehicles/Land/M10/Weapons.con)
   rem *** M10Cannon ***
   ObjectTemplate.Create FireArms M10Cannon
   ObjectTemplate.SetNetworkableInfo TankFireArmInfo
   ObjectTemplate.LoadSoundScript Sounds/M10Cannon.ssc
   ObjectTemplate.Geometry M10_Cannon1_M1
   ObjectTemplate.AiTemplate M10MainGun
   rem -------------------------------------
   ObjectTemplate.AddTemplate e_MuzzPanz
   ObjectTemplate.SetPosition 0/0/1
   ObjectTemplate.SetRotation -179.999/0/0
   rem -------------------------------------
   ObjectTemplate.ProjectileTemplate M10Projectile
   ObjectTemplate.ProjectilePosition 0/0/0
   rem ObjectTemplate.projectilePosition 0/0/1
   ObjectTemplate.MagSize 30
   ObjectTemplate.NumOfMag 1
   ObjectTemplate.Velocity 100
   ObjectTemplate.AutoReload 1
   ObjectTemplate.Reloadtime 0.25
   ObjectTemplate.RoundOfFire 0.25
   ObjectTemplate.FireingForce 90
   ObjectTemplate.RecoilSpeed 10
   ObjectTemplate.RecoilSize 14

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